|| in the peach field ||

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Depression, featuring dad Georgia, tiny Florida, and bitch man Spain
TW - child abuse


It was a relatively quiet afternoon. The slight breeze outside made it perfect for a relaxing day outside. Which is exactly what Georgia had planned to do. He walked down to the field of peach trees next to his house with a large basket in hand. He followed down the trail, collecting peaches as he went. He could help but notice how quiet it was.

Florida had been staying with Spain in his state for a few weeks now for one reason or another. He wasn't suppose to come back to visit for around a week or so later. Truth be told, he did miss the little guy. He was a bit of a handful at times, but he brought a strange comfort with him, and was admittedly more enjoyable than some of the other states. Something told him that Florida preferred staying with him more then with Spain, too.


He looked up from his palm and saw a small boy running towards him through the peach trees surrounding them. He could only really recognize who he was from his familiar voice. Georgia put down the basket of peach's in his hands, and raised his arm to wave at him, a bit caught off guard.

"Florida! How've ya been-"

Before he knew it, he'd tightly wrapped his arms around him and buried his face in his chest. Georgia didn't need to see his face to know he was crying. He stood there, confused before he could say anything.

"Hey, hey hey, what's wrong kiddo? What's wrong?"

Georgia softly backed him away and got down to Florida's level. It was only then when he saw his face.

His eye and cheek were bruised, and his nose looked like it had just stopped bleeding. Florida quickly tried covering his face again, only to be held in place by the other. He cupped his cheeks, and wiped away some tears with his thumb.

"What happened?- Who did this to you?" He spoke in an awfully calm voice for how angry he was. But he was still trying to calm Florida down, yelling wouldn't do anything but scare him more. Florida wiped his eyes of any tears and tried to speak.

"Perdoname- , my papa jus-just had another bad day and I- I panicked so I ran- you were the first person I thought I could go to.." Florida's voice came out as almost a whimper, and more tears just kept falling with each word. Georgia looked at him with a sorrowful look.

He sniffled and looked straight down. Every time he tried forming another sentence, it only came out as a shaking stutter. Georgia softly wiped the tears off his cheeks, and pulled him into a hug. He could still hear the quiet sobs from the small boy.

"Could I stay the night here?" He asked through cries. Georgia tightened his grip on him, and nodded. "Of course, of course you can kid."

It didn't matter how long he'd sat there comforting Florida, but he knew they'd been there for quite a while when he saw the sun start to set. Georgia helped him up, and picked up the basket of peaches that sat next to them. Florida had definitely calmed down by now, with his breathing being a lot more steady.

"Do me a favor hun, could you carry back the peaches that fell out?"

Florida looked up at him, and picked up the peaches. He smiled up at Georgia, and started running to catch up with him.

"Y'know..oranges are much better then peaches.."

"Heh, I think you must've bumped your head on a tree kid, ain't no way some orange is better then a peach."

"Oh yeah? Bet when you come over, you'll try one and tell me!"

He laughed at the challenge and nodded, "Sure, just to prove you wrong though."

Florida playful stuck his tongue out and eagerly ran towards the house.

Ah yes
S a d n e s s
I kind of want to make part two where Spain finds the two
But it depends

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