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"jia!" jake poked jia's shoulder during classroom break time. jia was in the process of moving on.

she smiled. "yes?"

"great news! mina likes me back actually and we're having our first date later on this week!" jia tried to smile when she heard the news, still heart broken and devastated but she has to be happy, as his best friend.

"that's great actually!" jia cheered up as jake nodded in excitement. "also i want you to meet this guy !"

jia expression turned from happy to 'what-the-actually-fuck?" when jake said those words.

jake showed his phone to jia to reveal the pictures of the guys. jia gasped.

"he's so good looking right!?" jake excitedly said, satisfied with jia's response.

it was park sunghoon.

"i actually know him..." jia shyly replied, scratching her head. jake made an "O" face, surprised to hear the news.

"i know you like him." jake lowered his phone and made eye contact with jia who was giving a questionable expression.

"he actually told me all the great things about you, bestie." jake honestly said. jia was the now making a 'O' face. she froze. sunghoon talked about her.

"i guess both of us are dating now~" jake teased jia by throwing a playful punch to his best friend who punched back.

she smiled to hear the words, 'dating.'


what now loser 🙄🙄

sleepover at my house

will ur parents be
okay with it? 🤭

my parents are staying
at busan for a while due to
work and jay decided
to drink at his friend's house

so i'm the boss of the house😈

also bring a set of pajammies 😎😎

pajam what now ❓

shut up 😆

and wear something cute
...i guess we're going out🧎‍♂️

lol okay i'll pick you up
at 5pm deal?

yessir 😜

jia's heart thumped REAL HARD. she remembered the sparkling eyes of sunghoon's and her heart fluttered, recalling the scene from last week morning.

she squealed and threw her head in the desk. jake even sparing a questionable glance to her.
jia rushed to home so she won't see sunghoon because she wanted to prepare a lot.

"we aren't even dating why am i like this?" jia said while unlocking her door, closing, and rushing towards the bathroom to get showering.

after showering, she played on soft music that sunghoon had in his playlist while sitting down in her mirror, her makeup products planted out.

she did a quick skin care routine to get going through BUSINESS.

after doing her simple, radiant makeup, she decided on what to wear. she decided to wear a turtle neck with a jacket covering her with a pair of skirt, some high boots and top it off with a shoulder bag, incase she will buy something.

after spraying a light perfume, her doorbell rung. she panicked to get the door so she quickly grabbed her phone and wallet and went in front of the door.

she exhaled. and opened the door.

sunghoon's eyes became larger. he was amazed of what was in front of him. his heart was beating. my boy was IN LOVE.

jia was surprised that she and sunghoon were matching clothes. she giggled. he was handsome.

"l-let's go?" sunghoon stuttered, kept staring at jia with his flushed cheeks and his mouth opened. jia chuckled and nodded.
the two went to hongdae, enjoying each other's presence.

they went to cute cafes that jia saw on the way, went a claw machine and got both of each other's plushies, brought matching necklaces and clothes, took some unexpected photos of each other, buying a polaroid just for the two of them, and much more. it really felt like a date. lots of laughter, smiles, even squabbles. they really enjoyed it.

as they were heading home in a train, sunghoon was bothered by something.

jia's skirt.

sunghoon sighed and removed his jacket and placed it over jia's skirt, preventing any skin that was showing her legs.

jia froze, preventing herself from smiling from sunghoon's cute action.

"i'm not allowing you to wear skirts from now on." sunghoon whined. jia giggled and nodded. "sure."

as she giggled, jia saw a couple of girls kept staring at sunghoon. even with sunghoon's eye 0.5 second of eye contact, they were squeal loudly, annoyingly.

'i get thats he's handsome really handsome but he doesn't like you.' jia thought, rolling her eyes.

jia grabbed sunghoon's chin to look at her, giving a disgusting look to sunghoon, "why do you have to be so handsome?" jia sighed as she went back to glaring at the girls.

sunghoon saw what she was glaring at and looked at jia's glare at the girls. he chuckled at her jealously.

"don't worry." sunghoon said he locked arms with jia and leaned his hair to jia's shoulders, closing his arms, pouting at jia.

jia still kept glaring at the girls to the point, they were uncomfortable and stopped staring.

jia smirked in satisfaction. "that's my girl." sunghoon thought to himself.

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