Another Attack?

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"By the way Midoriya-kun, you have to have a really feminine build. I mean, if your hair was longer, I would probably mistake you for a girl." Kyoka Jiro noted. I flushed and turned my head outside in embarrassment. 

"I have long hair..." I murmured.

"Really?! How come it looks so short?" She asked.

"Um," I started fiddling with my fingers nervously. "I... I charmed it to look short."

"Show us!" Uraraka squealed. 

"Yeah, show us. Kero." Tsuyu Asui encouraged rather flatly. But one look at her face told me that she was curious to see too. I decided to indulge them.

I snapped my fingers and like magic, the rest of my hair faded into existence. My long hair finally revealed, reached down to my lower back. The girls gasped and many of them lit up. "Let me braid it!" They squealed. I flinched at their volume but gave them a grimaced smile and turned my back to them as a sign of agreement.

To be honest, my hair wasn't really as long as it appeared. I made it grow by a couple of inches during the reveal but other than that, I did not lie.

The girls carefully braided my hair and also added a crown around my head. (I personally thought I looked like Asuna with green hair from Sword Art Online.) They connected the crown to a big fishtail braid that used up half of my hair. When they finished, the bell rang and everyone scurried to their seats. 

As soon as Midnight came and laid her eyes on me, a loud screech was torn from her throat and through her lips. Everyone else in the room winced, a select few going as far as to cover their ears with their hand due to their sensitivity. "Midoriya?! Did you turn into a girl?!"

I shook my head and answered her. "No. Toga forgot to do laundry so I didn't have a school uniform to use. I told Nezu about it and he allowed me to wear something different. This was the best choice I had since the other two choices I had were either inappropriate for school and the other was more suited to... a job. It was a maid uniform and I don't think that's school-appropriate either so I simply chose this instead."

"Oh." She said intelligently. (Yeah, no. I was being sarcastic.) "I thought you got hit by a quirk but not being hit by one is better. Also, nice look. Where did you get that from?"

"I designed it. Now, I believe class was supposed to begin 5 minutes ago." I stared at her. Midnight stared back for at least a couple more minutes before clearing her throat and finally getting the class started.

Like clockwork, everyone else aside from myself and the two pro heroes in the room took out their work and paid Midnight their undivided attention. I, on the other hand, retrieved my laptop and slid to the floor and ignored the lesson entirely, and instead put most of my efforts and attention to my screen. On rare occasions, Midnight would call on me, ask her question, then I would answer it after a moment of thought before returning to my own work.

Hours later, the training period came. Again, class 1C was dumped into Aizawa's hands who then dumped them onto mine. "Alright you softies, since I'm apparently your current gym teacher, for those who might've been absent, I'm Izuku Midoriya and the rest of my information is classified from y'all until you get into one of the hero classes." A hand suddenly popped up in the crowd. "Yes? Do you have a question?"

"Um, yeah. Why are you not wearing our school uniform?"

"My adoptive older sister forgot to do laundry last week and all of my uniforms were in the laundry as of yesterday. I asked Nezu and he allowed me to wear anything so long as it was appropriate for school. I only had two other choices in my wardrobe aside from this. A skimpy and absolutely school inappropriate outfit and a maid outfit. This was the best one so I chose to wear this. Any other questions that are hopefully school-related?"

The Lines of Society (A vigilante!deku fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu