6 | Robin Hood

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"I think I could arrange for some of them...certain money from the nobles to help the orphans...but I need a favour in return..." He suddenly offered, making me snap back. A catch, of course. "I see...what would that be?" I asked, putting the boquet in vase. "You see, I want you to accompany me to the local church. The priest has asked me to arrive although I hate it so much, since there will be entire town and my reputation...well, I would like you to be there with me. It's not much of ask, isn't it? So what do you say, will you come with me?" Sheriff explained me his offer.

"You...you want me as your company there?" I repeated that offer in my head. I was uncertain. "Yes, will you join me for the service?" Sheriff gave me a pleading look. "I have no choice, do I?" I sighed, crossing my arms. "You're smart to know the answer." Sheriff grinned at me, making me face the fact. I simply must go. "For the sake of your people...I shall go with you." I answered in the end. "Very well, Caroline. Thank you...but there is one thing...uhm...can I give you some advice before we go?" He suddenly asked. I shrugged but ended up nodding.

"There will be many people watching us, including the nobles or the common folk. I want you to help me make an impression, but I don't want you to up-stage me. I want you by my side, yeah. But you also need to be quiet and reserved, you cannot up-stage me or make a spectacle of yourself. Can you do this for me?" He spoken, sincerity in his voice. "I guess..I guess that wouldn't be problem, unless you piss me off." I commented, making him grin. "I'll try my best not to then." I was still little surprised by his behavior. It was still him but there was some tiny change. "So, are you ready to go?"

"I think so." I nodded and let him lead me out of the castle to the church, guards joining us. As we walked through the bustling streets of Nottinghamshire, I noticed the townspeople watching us both. They're not used to seeing the Sheriff and his new fiáncee in town together, their whispers filling the air. Sheriff was way uncomfortable by the all the staring and whispering. His reputation was indeed bad, yet, I couldn't forget that sudden change of his behavior towards me today.

Or maybe it was just some manipulation so I would agree to go with him in the church?Losted in my thoughts, before I know it, we've arrived at the church and it's already filled with people waiting for the service to begin. Me and Sheriff sat in first row, people still staring. There were more beggars than noble people. I saw the hopeless stares of many of them. But I also saw the hatred in few faces, for sure directed to Sheriff. I sighed about it, I prayed that I could find a way to help. Suddenly, the service began.

We beseech thy blessing, Lord on all your people, but most especially...

on our noble Sheriff of Nottingham.

Grant him the wisdom to guide and protect our glorious city.

Grant him also the strength to bring to justice the lawless men.

These who would threaten its safety and prosperity and the judgment to punish them in your name.


When the speech was done, I stared at Sheriff who was nothing but satisfied with the speech. Someone would even think he payed the church to speak of him this way. I rather ignored that fact as I saw people begging for anything, no matter if food or money. "Caroline!" I quickly looked up and noticed children from the orphanage running towards me. They were here too! I smiled warmly, standing up to approach them. "It's Caroline!" The children flocked around me, excited to see me. As I knelt down to hug them, I could feel their joy and happiness. 

Beauty and the Sheriff | SHERIFF OF NOTTINGHAM Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat