Even when serenity and I would fight within the next ten minutes I would be okay and speaking with her unless if it was really bad, because if it was really bad it would approximately be an hour. But then again this was all over petty things.

"Of course you are, I could never say no to candy." I said sighing and laying on her lap.

"I can't wait to see your mansions in Ireland."

"I can't wait to take you to all my favorite spots."

We both we on alert as we watched Sam walk into the room. Her face not giving away anything. I felt my heart drop, she couldn't possibly say no we already had made too many plans.

"She said you can go but if anything happens to you it's my throat." she said laughing the threat off suspiciously. I took no mind to it as Anele squeaked jumping up and down and onto my body.

I felt excitement flushing all over my body. A part of me actually didn't believe it, I mean we went on trips but this was different. Way too different. It felt too easy, this was my sister that we were talking about. She has protected me from everything my whole life even though I could protect myself. I remember this one time in school, a girl said some nasty things about me and it wasn't like I let her get away with it or anything because I did defend myself, but to my sister it wasn't enough.

After I told her about the whole thing because I tell her everything the girl went through serious consequences. I remember telling her it wasn't a big deal and that it was just a stupid argument but she didn't care neither did I win when it came to her. She has always protected me from everything even boys, when I tell her about my new love interests her opinion really matters to me. If she said there was just something not right about a guy, I lost interest.

I wasn't ashamed to say if I was in any kind of trouble my sister would be there to help me. No matter what. She has never let anything harm me in anyway, Anele claims she's wonder woman and that she babies me a lot but I disagree. I mean she is wonder woman but she doesn't baby me, if Anele knew what we went through than maybe she would understand.

There was a time when my sister couldn't protect me. All of those times she vowed to me that she would never let anything like that happen ever again. And she has kept her word.

"Before you guys get too excited she also said you can only leave after a month. And she told me to tell you to take care of both of you guys." she said looking at me, making us slightly calm down. I didn't understand why we had to wait a month but it was something I was wiling to accept if it meant I would be going on this trip with my friend.

Before month end came by, Anele and I visited all our favorite spots and favorites food spots before leaving because we knew it would be a while before we were would return, plus it wouldn't be the same being in another country. Anele told me home was a quite missable place, I whole heartedly understood after all there was no place like home.

I was so excited about the trip I could barely sleep as the days went on neither did my mind stop thinking about the man. His eyes haunted my thoughts. That and the very handsome amount that my sister sent me, even Anele was left breathless and she was more than used to money. I didn't know what to do with it, I wasn't really the type who knew how to spend money. Anele insisted she would teach me.

I couldn't wait. We counted the days as they slowly went by. Sam didn't leave in the span of weeks we had to wait and we got to spend a lot of time together, our bond only getting stronger. She reminded me so much of my sister. Along the days Anele wouldn't shut up about the places she wanted to show me and I honestly didn't want her to, everything sounded so amazing. When the day to leave finally came we were more than ready.


The month was finally over, aside from never shutting up about our trip Anele insisted we go shopping and I couldn't say no. I now had a whole wardrobe of new clothes and shoes, I think this was more than enough but Anele says we will have to just buy another one for when I return home because we and I coat 'Needed to buy more clothes in Ireland. ʼ I didn't argue with her, I learnt not to argue with her when it came to clothes. A survival skill I might say.

I held the slim long champagne glass in my hand, moving the contents in it slowly around imitating the movies I've seen before. Now I understood why they did it. I took a small gulp at the Non-alcoholic champagne as my eyes trailed to the very expensive bottle of wine that sat next to Anele, only half full. She had drank it alone I had my own bottle. As I looked at her we seemed to be alone on this flight, my mind had completely blocked out every one else in first class. It felt amazing.

I avoided and made Anele avoid using her family's private jet at all times. It was bad for the environment and I just didn't see the need. When I made us take the plane today she wanted to cry. I had to literally drag her into the plane, it was kind of fun seeing as not long ago she was dragging me into some stores. She insisted she needed to fill my wardrobe up with clothes of her taste and clothes for my body.

I didn't quite understand. She ended up taking a lot of skin tight dresses and more dresses claiming I needed to be more comfortable with my curvy fugure. I was sort of comfortable with my body we all had our days but I also wore everything according to my mood. If I felt like baggy clothes today which was the majority, baggy clothes it was. Everything went according to my mood and how comfortable I was in something. I had my pretty days and my bum days. I really loved the bum days.

The month has went on yet the man is this as fresh as yesterday on my mind. I can remember everything about him from that night, not in a creepy way but in a way where my brain wanted to store and retain the night where I saw what looked like a God. I looked out the window, the blue sky surrounding us, I wondered what Ireland had for me. I wondered if I would like it there or not- wondered if I would want to quickly return home or stay a little while longer.

Above all that I was still excited. I was snapped back to reality when I heard Anele coughing next to me. Her hand was against her chest as her rough coughs turned soft, I think she choked on her wine. She finally stopped glaring at me, the look of distain and anger still on her now red face. She was quite adorable when she was mad. She was still mad that we were taking a plane.

"If you stop being mad I will let you dress me for the next five days." I said not bothering to look at her knowing how much she would enjoy that, more than I.

"Two weeks." she must clearly be drunk.

"Five days."

"A week."

"Five days."

"A week."

"Three days." I said raising a brow at her.

"Five days it is." she said smiling and holding out her hand. I gently took it knowing I was going to strongly regret this.

At this moment everything just felt right. I was on a plane with my best friend to another country where we would make tons of memories and tell them of course with added spice to our grandchild when we grow old together and make our grandchildren be best friends too because it's only logically that they continue the great friendship between our two families. I chuckled at my thoughts laying back. I couldn't wait to land.

I feel like I should have started with a whole chapter warning people about this book even though there is a warning when you click on it. This is a Dark Romance book. Please go back and read the warning if it's not your cup of tea please do exit before you are traumatized in any way.

The Author doesn't encourage these types of relationships. If you meet men like the ones I write about run the other way.




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