[31] Two Sides of the Same Coin

Start from the beginning

"You're back! I heard ya got quite the lecture from Officer Tsurugamae so I'll spare you that."

You couldn't help it - at his nonchalant attitude, your anger flared up. "Is that all you have to say?!" You asked hotly, throwing your hands up in the air. "You left me behind in Hosu, and then didn't bother to contact me or visit me at all while I was in the hospital!" Kurapika stood awkwardly to the side during your little tirade, and Hawks stood up, holding his hands up in an attempt to calm you.

"I would have come if I could, kiddo." This didn't appease you at all. "After the incident, I was busy trying to track down Hisoka and get more information about your world and the League of Villains. I realize now I shouldn't have left you behind in Hosu, and that was wrong on my part." It was a half-assed apology for sure, but as much as you wanted to be angry, your hunger for information outweighed it.

Crossing your arms again, you fixed him with an unenthused look. "And did you manage to find information?"

Hawks gestured to the table by him, and your eyes narrowed at the mess of paper. "Another... portal opened up while you were gone."

This was some news and you perked up, your eyebrows nearly shooting up into your hairline at the information. Immediately, your frustration ebbed away into excitement. "You're serious? Where?! Did somebody else come from our world?"

Hawks sighed and you could tell that he was a bit tired as he gave a nonchalant shrug. "The energy readings were pretty significant, and it looks like it's still open if the constant power outages in Musutafu are anything to go by," he said. "If we search hard, you might be able to get back home within the next week."

Musutafu... That's where Aizawa's apartment was! Your eyes were wide as you took in the information. Within the week, you'd be able to get back to Gon and Killua!

But . . .

You closed your eyes. You'd have to leave everybody else behind. You weren't sure you could handle that. Izuku, Shouto, Ochaco, Mina, all of your other classmates and friends... You would probably never see them again. Your heart beat painfully, and you let out a big exhale through your nose as you had made up your mind.


You opened your eyes, a determined look glimmering in your [e/c] eyes. "I appreciate that," you earnestly started, "and I think it's a good idea to find this portal to make sure nobody came from our world. Especially a Phantom Troupe member." You paused, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for the deliverance of your news. "But you say I can go back... What about Kurapika? And the others?"

Hawks and Kurapika exchanged grim looks, as if expecting you to freak out. And well, honestly, you sort of were. You were so close to going back home, but...

It wouldn't be the same without Kurapika.

"I can't go back," Kurapika said somberly, and you met his eyes defiantly. Before you could protest - and your mouth was already open to do exactly that - Kurapika held his hand up. "Chrollo is here, as well as Hisoka and somebody else in the shadows. I can't allow the Phantom Troupe to wreck havoc in another world as well."

"Then I want to stay too."

The two stiffened, and you couldn't help but scowl, crossing your arms. "I came here before both Kurapika and Hisoka. And probably before Chrollo and that mystery nen user, too. This is my problem too, isn't it? I refuse to go back without Kurapika!" You were being a bit childish, you knew it, but you couldn't believe your ears. Did they not think you were capable of fighting?

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