Our Cute Little Calf (MinJoonKook)(Hybrid-verse)(NSFW)

Start from the beginning

Namjoon were busy inspecting Jimin's mouth and lower jaw not finding what he was looking for. "It seems that we are in the clear, no venom glands, god you guys scared me." He leaned his head against Jimin's shoulder, which still looked like he was in shock over what happened. "I thought I would lose one boyfriend, and the other going to jail for murder."

Jimin awkwardly patted Namjoon in the head "I'm sorry... Jungkook wanted to feel my tongue."

After that scare, it took a while before they started to touch each other again, but with the scare of the maybe venom glands was gone, plus a visit to the doctor to make sure that Jimin didn't have other things he should be worried about it turned out okay. Their lives didn't change much after that, other than Jimin found a new kink in rimming people with his split tongue, something that Namjoon were more than happy to indulge Jimin in. Jungkook even let him try it once or twice, even if he said it felt weird.

Jungkook presented on the dot as well, on his 18th birthday. Jimin woke up before both of the other silently waking up Namjoon. "Look! He is a mouse!"

As Namjoon rubbed his eyes and looked over at Jungkook, it did very much look like a mouse he had to agree with Jimin. Whiskers were now present on Jungkook's face, soft black ears that looked mouselike on top of his head, but Namjoon then felt Jungkook's tail softly brush against him, and that was when he noticed what Jungkook really were. "Are you kidding me!? Another apex predator! This isn't fair!"

Jungkook was a Tasmanian devil it turned out, sharp teeth present in his mouth as he yawned waking up, at first he just looked at Jimin and Namjoon who were staring at him. "Is it that bad?"

Jungkook thought he had presented as something weird, like a goldfish or a cow, or maybe a spider. Namjoon just shook his head. "Jimin thought you were a mouse, turns out you are a Tasmanian devil."

"A what?"

Namjoon facepalmed himself. "You had the same hybrid prep classes as I had! How can neither of you remember them?"

"We uhm." Jimin awkwardly ran a hand through his hair.

Jungkook was, luckily more than happy to tell the truth. "We were making out in the back! Remember we had those big tables where you couldn't see what was going on under them? Jimin sucked me off more than once!"

The oldest just sighed again, he should have expected that. It was sometimes easy for him to forget that Jimin and Jungkook had a relationship before him, that he had first met them when both of them had joined the university Namjoon attended, Jungkook managed to get in one year early.

From that, it took 2 more weeks for Namjoon to present a few days after his 20th birthday, but it didn't turn out like he expected. Instead of joining his boyfriends as an apex predator or as just some kind of predator, he woke up with cute little horns, soft fluffy ears and... a cow tail. Namjoon was a cow.

He had been so excited to present, he thought he was going to be something cool. Instead, he turned out to be this. Luckily he woke up before his boyfriends, which gave him the chance to sneak out of the house after grabbing a hat to cover his stupid ears and horns.

That was when a weird game started, it was called 'how much can you avoid your boyfriends, even though you live with them.' To be honest, he felt kind of ashamed about what kind of hybrid he was. He couldn't even be a bull, no he was a cow. He couldn't convince himself to show in front of his boyfriends. Which lead to sneaking home after he knew they had fallen asleep, then grab a few hours of sleep, showering and other stuff like that at the gym.

It wasn't like the two other didn't notice, but every time they tried to contact their older boyfriend he would just tell them that he was busy, that he was just working on a project. When they tried to meet him after a lecture, he always managed to dodge them. Jimin drew one logical conclusion one night, he was cuddling on the couch with Jungkook. "I think Joonie wants to break up with us." It had now been 4 weeks since they had last seen Namjoon for real.

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