ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 𝓕𝓞𝓤𝓡

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My little trip to Jerusalam soon came to an end,because of what happened that night at the bar.

I no longer wanted to stay there with a sligh bit of fear of Beelzebul apearing once more. I mean,he could stop time and murder thousands of people in the blink of an eye,I did not want to be aqainted with something like that.

I had decided to go back home to my mother country,South-Africa. My observation mission in Siria made me loose my identity and life purpose. I was going back home with big hope that I could regain my lost identity and gain a new fruitfull and productive purpose. Drinking and wasting away wasn't doing me good at all.

I knew that,yet everytime I tried to keep away,I always came back for its comfort. Alcohol comforted me.

Just sitting there staring at the flickering bar lights,taking yet another sip of sour whiskey. That was my comfort. My way to a safe haven far from the disturbing thoughts and memories-the weighing guilt. Far from my cruel reality.

And that's what you get from listening to a drunkie. A new perspective on the world with many more to come.

I stared out the window of airplane my mind wandering to different places. I havent been sober for this long since 2013,and that was one year ago.

The plane was quite loud with everyone getting ready for the landing that was 30 minutes away.

I got slightly annoyed at the noise,because of lack of sleep I got the night before.Not only do I have a drinking problem but I have isomnia aswell.

The loud chattering,and hyper screeches of children soon came to an abrubt stop. I was about to turn my head awsy from the window to see what was wrong,but a voice scared me and sent my soul fleeing to Mars.


"Ack!-Beelzebul!? W-what are I you doing here...?" I asked after realizing who was behind me.

This old bearded demon froze time again. Scary.

"Oh I just came to take you on another adventure with me!" He sheepishly led out.

"Another adventure?"

"Why of course dearest Ciana! I need to change your mind somehow." Beelzebul grumbled with a disturbing pout on his lips.

"C-change my mind on what?" I let out.

"Y'know! 'All humans deserve to live' Does it ring any bells?"

"You cant change my mind Beelzebul. I said what I said,and I wont ever change my mind!"

"Oh trust me... you will." He let out in a very threatening tone.

"Why me?... Why change my opinion on this,when there are 7 biljoen people on Earth?" I asked.

"Because there is only one Ciana like you." Beelzebul said with a wide smile.

"Thats not enough! Tell me-why!?"

"Do I really need yo explain myself to you?"  I immediatly shut up,afraid I might have angered a murderous entity.

"N-no..." I squeeked while holding my breath.

"Well with that settled,let's get down to buisness,shall we?" He said with a smug smirk plastered on his face.

With a snap of his fingers we both were in a castle. I turned to look behind me,seeing my plane seat dissapearing.

"Where are we,is what you were gonna ask right?"

"Uhm I guess so..."

Beelzebul looked at me before smiling meniacly. He put his hand on my shoulder and I froze.

"Dont be tense around me. I promise I wont hurt you." He said in a whisper.

"Very hard to believe." Is what I simply replied with.

"We're in the Uk. Back in king Henry the eighth's rule."

"What!? We're in the year 1500's!" I screamed out.

King Henry was a kind king,but soon turned tirent when he hit his head from falling off his hoarse once.

If I remember correctly when being taken back in time,people can still see me. Im in King Henry's palace.

What if he sees me!

Or worse...

His wife. Whoever it is at the moment.

"We're at the time where Henry is still married to Catherine of Aragon,but he's currently in his last year of courting Anne Boleyn." Beelzebul informed me.

"Why are we here?"

"So you can see one of history's cruelest husband of course!" He let out as if it was so obvious.

"Cruelest husband?" I asked.

"Youre from South-Africa,so of course you know dont kow much about European history."

"I know that..."

"King Henry devorced his wife whom he had been married to for 24 years!" Beelzebul told me.

"A divorce? Thats not so bad"

"He divorced his dead brother's widow,Catherine of Aragon for a younger,more beautiful,Anne Boleyn. A woman who he courted for 7 years while still married."

"I- uhm..."

"Thats not all! He cheated on Anne almost every night,and in order to get rid of her for not giving him a male heir to the throne... he beheaded her! While pressing fake charges of adultry,incest and plotting against the king!"

"Thats awful!" I let out.

"Thats not all!-" I cut Beelzebul off,because I didnt want to know any more.

"No!I dont want to hear it!" I screamed.

"Well,then let me show you then! A  whole new side of the human race!" He let out happily.

Just like that,my new adventure started.


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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