- chapter 24 • stuck in my own riptide -

Start from the beginning

Hours passed by, night time came along, the best time he could go out.

Bokuto woke up to a stabbing pain to his stomach, clutching it, he sat up. Groaning he lifted his hand to see if anything was there, there was, blood.

"Damnit!" He whined to himself.

He slowly got up and pulled out bandage wrapping out of the drawer. He pulled his shirt off that was now stained with blood. He wrapped the bandage around himself, tightening it so it stops the bleeding.

He groaned, "How the hell did it open?!"

He shifted his head to look at the small clock on the table, 10:45 PM. Time to go.

He got up and grabbed a random hoodie and stumbled out of the room.


Once again turning on the car and connecting his Bluetooth. Again, debating what song he should pick.

Where's My Love - Acoustic, by SYML.

He just wanted to cry, cry until he couldn't. It's almost been a year since he's seen him, except four months ago.

Late night drives, what he used to do with him. One of the first things they did together, listen to sad music in the process. He just wanted it to go back to that, he wanted to cry with him.

'Just come home.'

Bokuto wanted that so bad, he wanted him to come back to him. He screamed at the top of his lungs driving down the narrow street.


Why am I here again? Oh right.

Bokuto jumped out of the car and dragged his feet along the concrete, meeting the sidewalk, he jumped up and kept walking. The grass touched his ankle, making him shutter.

Even though it was now summer, it was still cold to Bokuto.

He fell down to the grass once again, in the same place he always did. Staring at the galaxy above him, it looked different this time though, it looked colorless. He fell onto his back and pulled out his phone, scrolling through the songs he had.

'Riptide' by Vance Joy.

He needed that slight of boost of a song, but still drowning in the lyrics. Drowning in his own riptide.

The first few lines made him laugh, they were so relatable it was funny. He indeed was scared of the dentist and the dark, definitely pretty girls too. But starting conversations.. he was the best at, never regretted the time he started a conversation with him.

He enjoyed this song so much, these lyrics were so amazingly beautiful.

Without realizing it, a tear fell down his face. How could he cry this much?

"I'm so weak." He chuckled, wiping the tear off his cheek. "You know.. those couple months I spent with you were the best out of my whole life."


His phone buzzed, he pulled it out. Never expected this text message.

11:12 PM
From Kaashi:
The Night We Met - Lord Huron

Bokuto shook, he panicked.

11:12 PM
To Kaashi:
Answer me!
Keiji please..
Where are you..?
It's been four months!!

Bokuto rapidly typed, nobody answered for ten minutes. He spammed him with uncountable texts messages. He gave up, finally clicking the tab.

It was a song, a song that would break his heart.

The whole song played, by the end he was sobbing uncontrollably. His sobs filled the field, his tears nurturing the grass under him. He kept wiping his tears but they wouldn't stop pouring out, snot strung from his nose.

He opened his phone once more.

11:15 PM
To Kaashi:
Where are you..?
Answer please!!!
Why did you leave?!
Please don't leave..!
I knew you weren't dead..
read 11:16 PM

Bokuto closed his phone and threw it to the ground. He clenched his fist together and punched the ground. "Damnit Keiji!" He yelled out, flipping his head up to scream at the blank sky.

Tears rolled down the side of his face, the song repeat over and over. He couldn't stop listening to it, why did he love it so much?

He should probably go report this to the police station.. but what if he didn't want to? Akaashi was alive, but not here with him.. why?


a/n: I'm really sorry this chapter ended shortly. All the stress is coming back from school, just the zooms make me stressed. I'm really sorry, I literally forgot my whole set up for this story. Stupid school ruined my plan 😡

Oh well, it will come together.. haha :)

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