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Skip to after his practice

Moni Johnston

I was in my blasting chosen 1 by polo g until a hard ass knock hit my door I jump turning my music down and seeing rife " yes sharife Omar" "stop calling me that and you ready to go" "yep"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I was in my blasting chosen 1 by polo g until a hard ass knock hit my door I jump turning my music down and seeing rife " yes sharife Omar" "stop calling me that and you ready to go" "yep"

" ok well I'll meet you at yours" " Alr bye" I drove to my house and got in the house grabbed my speaker listening to like i want you by givēon

until Cleo started barking loud asf I walked to my door taser in hand and opened the door to see sharife " you almost got killed" " why you always blasting music"

" because I can and who's gonna stop me" "that's fair....your house is nicely decorated" he said looking around "thank you" " ok so where you wanna do the project" I asked "your rooms fine"

" ok follow me" I walked up stairs to my room and jumped on my bed and going in my dresser and grabbing my Mac book " Alr did you decide your quote" " nope" "well that'll be the first thing you do than"

Hour later

Cleo starts braking I go downstairs to see who it is it's my mom I open the door "hey ma" " hey you got company over" "yea my project partner would you like to meet him" " him?"

"yes it's a him" " ok yea" " sharife" "Wsp " he walked downstairs " meet my mother" "hi ms.Johnston" he tried to give my mom a handshake she hugged him " handshakes spread more bacteria" " didn't know that"

" well I'll let you to get back to your project" " Alr good night ma" " nice meeting you ms.Johnston" " you to sharife" we walked back upstairs

Hour later

My mom left a good 10 minutes ago and rifes about to leave " you'll be fine by yourself" " yea I'll be good" " you sure" " yes I've been doing it since I was 13 I'll be good thank you tho" "Alr bye Moni bye Cleo" he walked out the door Cleo started whining

" awww Cleo imma be back ok" he said picking her up and kissing her forehead " ewww don't put yo lips on my dog we ion know what Miya got"

" me and Miya broke up" " aww y'all were a couple ....... yea" " your no help you know that right" he chuckled " ok well what happened between you guys"

" she cheated" " oh okay that interesting would you like to converse about it" "naw" " understandable" "you've been cheated on"

" yea a couple of times" " dang how many" " about 3 times" " so that's why you dodge niggas" " no I dodge lames" " when was the last time you had a boyfriend"

" about 3 years ago" " damn no sex for three years" " yep its honestly not that bad you have more time to do important things"

" yep said by every very very lonely person" " I'm not lonely I have friends" " yea two of them" " or your not my friend I'm hurt"

"No I'm not your friend cause you said I look like I neck wrestle for a living" I laughed " it's not funny" " it is" " is not" " ok it's not funny I'm sorry will you be my friend now" " naaa"

" ok well only my friends are allowed" "well I'm Cleos friend" " no you not" "I am" " ok let's see" I put Cleo down and we both called her and she came to me

" Cleo you a sale out" I covered her ears " dong talk yo my child like that I should beat yo ass" " yo short ass ain't gon do nun" " Cleo he messing with our gangsta" " Cleo smaller than you"

" watch this" " get him Cleo sick em" she started barking and him snarling and hit growling he jumped back "heal Cleo heal" she ran back to me

" yea me and Cleo step on nation bidness" "stop listening to youngboy" " it's ok Cleo you know you be poppin shit they know not to fuck withchu gurl" I said petting her

"What she gon do bite somebody ankles" "ya know what run my fade cause you keep trying me and my child like we not from zone 6"

" Alr what's good" he dropped his book bag I walked up to him and put him in a head lock " yea stop playin with me"

He lifted me up holding me like an baby " aww look at the little baby" he said rocking me back and forth wiggling my nose

" man if yo tall as don't put me down and if you drop me imma really fuck you up" he dropped me on the couch
"oh so you wantcho ass beat"

I ran up to him and started punching him in his stomach but he flexed his abs and I hurt my hand " owwww" I ran to the kitchen and got ice

" ice doesn't help" he said creeping from around the corner " leave me alone" "no you big baby cause then you'll have to go to the hospital in the morning" " leave me alone ion need to help"

" shut up and let me help you" " make me" he walked up to me looking down at me " you ion want the smoke" "not after you just abused me" " I abused you but you were hitting me"

" I'm hungry" " Well get food" " no shit Sherlock" " you real slick at the mouth" " you want some to eat I'm getting wings" " yea 20 pcs hot plz and thank you" "mhmm"

" Alr foods ordered" " so that means your gonna stay" I asked " sure" "yaaaaaay" I jumped around " why you do happy you told me to leave 30 minutes ago" " cause I'm always here by myself and I have never had a boy space space friend"

" your so lame" "and your such a hater" " what am I hating on" " you hating cause I got more hair than you" "it's a wig" "actually it's a lace front and of you wanted to see my real hair jus say dat" " I honestly think you bold head"  "ok now I gotta take it off "

I took it off and started waving it in the air like a crazy person he looked at me crazy " what" " why you snatch it off like that" " cause it funny duh" "well I hope you know how to take out  jail braids"

" yes" " welp come on you gonna help meeeee" I said running upstairs he walked upstairs lowkey annoyed with me

Unanticipated | Sharife Cooper  (discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin