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Moni Johnston

Some boy walked up to our table and looked at all the girls "'Wsp ma" he looked at me I looked around tryna find who he talkin too " you talking to me" " yea ma Wsp withchu" "oh me yea no have a nice day"

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Some boy walked up to our table and looked at all the girls "'Wsp ma" he looked at me I looked around tryna find who he talkin too " you talking to me" " yea ma Wsp withchu" "oh me yea no have a nice day"

" why not" " well you approached horrible you look like a rapist and you ugly and you also have a underbite like I understand over bite but like wtf is a underbite  and yo hair look like it's detachable and you low key kinda look like Donald trump" he walked away sadly

" and that right there is why you don't have a boyfriend" " yes but it's also why I don't get approached twice cause the second time you gotta hear about yourself"

" so you let these lame niggas hit on you but the nice sweet you man can't"
" would you like for me to tell them about them selves" " yes I would love to hear this"

" hol up lemme finished this so Omar can't take it" I stuffed my  sandwich in my mouth along with my fries chugged my sprite down throw it away whipped my hands and mouth

" Alr y'all ready ok who's going first" I looked around" "damn no volunteers pussys" I mumbled the last part

" ok let's start alphabetical order, age, closest to to me how we go do this" silence filled our table

" well damn ok I guess by closest to me sharife your fucking neck I'm sorry but god damn you look like you don't chew at all and fucking neck wrestling for a living you look like sucking dick would be easy for you"

" ok Omar" "your head is big asf like got damn fuck mega mind you mega mind on steroids like deadass you gotta a big ass head with nothing in it I bet if I knock on yo ya head that shit shallow asf"

" ok Dior ion know you like that but what I do know is I'm a really good babysitter and diapers and pampers and other things are cheaper at Walmart your welcome and also why you look high all the time and two how many stds you got .... actually don't answer that ion wanna know"

"Josh your actually my favorite" " really" " no but like I was saying I pretty sure you get this a lot but yo lips are big and you dead ass look like you suck more dick than a damn pornstar and you look like you od on lip filler you look like if the Kylie  Jenner lip challenged went wrong"

" ok now I'm going to tell yall how that body part I just named fits you body"

" sharife your long person so it's honestly not that bad also that means you tongue is long could come I handy too a very kinda lucky lady one day"

"Omar you head has a good proportion of your body and you a nice person so I guess that cancels it out"

" Dior it's nothing I can tell you besides what I told you have a nice day"

" josh your lips are perfectly fine it's yo damn eye brow" everybody laughed but him
" no I'm just playing but josh you would probably be the first person I would kiss honestly you have amazing lips and any girl not me tho would love to kiss you bud"

" damn she hit him with the bud out bad"

" well now that y'all know about y'all selves have a nice day cause I heard Mrs.dumbass Evergreen assigned a dumbass project I'm out"

"Isn't she your last period" " yea but I gotta find out if I'm be stuck with some dumbass you average smart person one of my besties or a smarty bitch"

I walked away from the table

Sharife Cooper

" so are all just gonna pretend out egos aren't crushed just a little" " yea" " most def" "mhmm" " yep" " dead ass the worst one was diors" " deadass why she do you and Dior jr like that"

" stop saying that that's not my child" "welp imma head out on that note bye Dior jr I mean Dior" Omar said

" y'all think shit funny" "whatever I'm going to class"

Skip to there last class

" oh yea Mrs.Evergreen" " yes Haley"
" what about our projects" " it's always that one person bruh stg" Moni said loud

" who said that" " Moni" Haley said " dang ion think anybody could snitch two times in one minute you broke the record fastest snitch in the world award goes to Haley you wann make a speech"

" are you upset that you not paired with sharife" she laughed  "haley take yo flat back behind down to a mental asylum cause you gotta be delusional to think care who my partner is any way who is my partner anyway"

" umm your partner is sharife" " are you fucking kidding me Mrs. Evergreen" Haley said " Haley office now" "That's just great I got a average smart kid" she mumbled

" well dang I thought we were friends" "I guess cause you didn't kill me this morning but hol on one second ... Mrs.Evergreen when is this project due and what is it about"

" it's about you and your partner's favorite quote on time and what they mean to you guys compare and contrast them in a three page essay and it's due Friday "

" that greater" I said sarcastic " ok so this project is due Friday it's Monday whose house are we doing this at" I asked "we can do this at my house when do you wanna start" "ion care"

" ok great so today cause Thursday I got stuff yo do" "well I have practice today so if you wanna wait that's fine "ok when do you get out" " around 5:30" "Alr well have a good practice" " thank you"

Skip to after his practice

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