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She walked up somebody's driveway I parked my car and hopped out following her and grabbing her turning her my way" I'm sorry about my mom okay" " it's fine" " it's not"

"Mhmm" " plz stop with the one word responses" " ok... sharife" "and why'd you leave" " yelling gives me ptsd" "yea your father" "how do you know about that" " people talk" " Taniyah" "yea"

" but who's house is this" "Mrs.Alisha" " oh ok" she walked to the front door knocking opens the door Mrs.Alisha holding a monitor with breathing tubes "omg hey hun"she said barely able to speak

"hey Mrs.Alisha how you doin" " ehh" " I have a friend I want you to meet" " ok where is she" " he" I said walking outta the dark " oh what a handsome young man is this your boyfriend" she said walking in the house inviting us in

Moni laughed " no just friend" "well you need a boyfriend" " Mrs.Alisha im fine you need to worry about you treatment hows that going anyway" "its not going so well" "what do you mean" " they've given me a two weeks to live max"

A tear slide down Monis face "awww dont cry we all knew if cancer wasn't gonna kill me old age would've" Moni hugged her " I love you" " I love you too" Mrs.Alisha said as she started to cry

"Alr you guys have school tomorrow" "Bye love you" " bye Love you too"

We walked out Moni started walking the opposite way of my car " where you going now" " home" " just get in the car Moni I'll take you home" " I'm good" " Moni I'm sorry about my mom but I don't want you to walk home"

" you didn't care about me before so don't care about me now" " ok" I got right in my car and drove away

Moni Johnston

As I walked in my house I unlocked my door seeing Cleo on the couch I was confused I looked on the couch and see Taniyah and Jordyn sleep

I closed the door and they turned there heads " hey you ok" " yea why" "rife called us and told us what happened" " yea I'm doing great" " no your not" "I am I promise I am"

"Ya know it's ok to not be ok" " I'm ok I'm fucking fine damn" I yelled "sorry" Taniyah said walking out the door with Jordyn I locked the door and ran upstairs with Cleo

Next day

Jordyn Brooks

I woke up got dressed doing my morning routine and saying bye to my dad and little sister and hopping in my car honking for Taniyah to come out and we drove to Moni's

We waited 5 minutes the knocked on the door and ringing the doorbell she didn't come out " I guess she's not going" "no she'll probably come later on"

Skip to lunch

She still hasn't come to school yet I'm kinda worried and Taniyah had the same expression on her face all day "hey guys" Dior said running to the table

" what's wrong with y'all" we both looked at Moni's empty chair " what happened" " you know Mrs.Alisha" "yea the cancer patient Moni helped"  " yea her treatment didn't work Moni's taking it hard"

" nooooo" "yea she's been with Moni since she was like 7" " damn 10 years I would be devastated too" then rife sat down looking for Moni like everybody else

" she didn't come today" "naw" " oh ok" he sounded more hurt than all of us "damn never know how much of and impact she had on our lunch"

" yep her stealing food" "acting like a crackhead" "and a series of shut up Dior" " never gets old" " shut up Dior" " I didn't even say anything" " yea it's not the same"

" well guys think on the positive side" "which is" "yea nvm" then from the corner of my eye I seen Miya walk up to the table

" mane what she want" " hey rife" " hi Randy's baby momma how Lil randy doin" " shut up bitch" she bucked at me I stayed in my position then fake jumped back after

" oh you got jokes" " na you the joke bitch" " awww shit it's about the go down where my phone somebody record it " " shut up Dior" " so y'all don't want any body to record" 

I hit Dior in the head " I guess not" I looked back to see Taniyah get up and Josh stepped in front of her  " she pregnant you hit her jail" " I'm not go hit her I promise" " you swear" "swear" she sat down then Miya walked away

" yea Miya gon boutcha day na" I said as she walked away she walked back up to this table " when this baby drop all y'all can get it" " gurl plz it's gon take you forever tryna find out who that baby daddy is"

"  Bitch got more body's than a damn morgue "  " y'all know her kitty been died a long time ago it was on the news" "when this baby drop I got y'all and I do know go the baby daddy is"  "who"

" sharife" " stop... cappin" Dior said in between coughs "  how many weeks are you pregnant" " 2" " we haven't fucked since May and even when we did I wore two condoms"

" man really said I'll catch a body before a damn child support check" Dior said " naw man really said I'll catch a  body before I catch a std"both of y'all shut up" Miya yelled

" ok queen herpes sorry" I couldn't hold I I started dying " what's so funny" " the joke that was made I obviously" " bitch count your day" "would you like for me to start now or the day you got pregnant" " might have to add a couple of months to find the baby daddy" Taniyah said

Unanticipated | Sharife Cooper  (discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant