Lisa pouted playfully, retrieving the cat ears once more and attempting to put them on. Chaeyoung didn't take it as a joke, though. She snatched them away from Lisa and tossed them up onto a higher shelf so the younger girl couldn't reach them.

Confusion instantly washed over Lisa's features. She'd only been joking around. Why had Chaeyoung gotten so mad at her? Lisa bit her lip, realizing she must be an annoyance to everyone around her.

"Sorry," Lisa mumbled under her breath, turning around and scanning the store for anything interesting. A flash of yellow in the corner caught her eye and she glanced back at Chaeyoung before wandering over to investigate it.

Her lips curved up into a wide smile when she pulled the yellow beanie off of the mannequin and studied it. She ran her hands over the soft material and instantly decided that she wanted it. Hurrying back over to Chaeyoung, she tugged on the older girl's sleeve and held up the yellow cap.

"Can we get this?" she asked hopefully, nodding down to the beanie in her hands. Chaeyoung tilted her head to the side and thought for a moment before nodding.

"Thank you! You're welcome," Lisa smiled widely, hugging the beanie tight to her chest. She paused when Chaeyoung held out a collection of bills in front of her. Lisa tilted her head to the side.

"Go pay for it," Chaeyoung urged her to take the money and nodded towards the cash register. Lisa instantly took a step back and bit her lip. Chaeyoung had always done this for her.

"But..." Lisa shook her head and glanced anxiously at the cash register. Chaeyoung was supposed to do these things for her. What if Lisa messed up? What if she dropped the money? Or forgot what she was supposed to say? What if the cashier thought she was weird?

"It's not a big deal, Lili," Chaeyoung laughed softly, nudging Lisa in the direction of the checkout. "Just give them the beanie and the money."

"I-I can not," Lisa shook her head and shoved the money back in Chaeyoung's hands, looking at her pleadingly. "You do it? Please?"

"Yes you can, Lisa," Chaeyoung sighed and shook her head. "I'm not doing it. If you want it, you can buy it on your own. You need to learn how to do these things."

"Why are you being like this?" Lisa looked down at the beanie in her hands and felt her chest tighten. Just the thought of doing something like that on her own made her hands shake in fear. "Please?"

"No, Lisa," Chaeyoung shook her head, trying to be firm in her decision. "I'm trying to help you get better."

"I am better," Lisa mumbled, letting her head hang down. "Please, Rosie?" she asked, holding the beanie up hopefully. When Chaeyoung shook her head, Lisa huffed and threw the beanie down to the ground.

"This is not funny," Lisa mumbled, slipping past Chaeyoung and out the front of the store. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes in frustration. This was going to take some getting used to. She forced herself to ignore Lisa's meltdown and continue shopping as normal.

Bending down to pick up the beanie, Chaeyoung set it back on the shelf and huffed. When she glanced behind her, she saw Lisa peering in the front of the store anxiously, waiting for her. The second they made eye contact, Lisa ducked out of her view.

Chaeyoung sighed, walking over to the checkout counter and waiting impatiently as the cashier bagged her things. She left the store without another word, walking straight past Lisa and down the corridor.

Lisa's eyes widened when Chaeyoung walked past her and she quickly scrambled to catch up with the girl. She was still upset with her, but that didn't mean she wanted to lose her.

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