As if she hadn't heard a word Albus said, Rose gathered her stuff and walked to the library. The common room being filled with a bunch of underclassmen was just too distracting to finish her work.

Rose sat herself down in the same table she usually sat at. Flipping her potions book open, she stared at the tiny letters printed onto the coffee stained paper. The longer she looked at it, the more blurry they got. A wave of drowsiness slowly hit and before she knew it, her head collapsed into the book.


"Reckon she's dead?"

"Must be all the studying. Her brain probably exploded under all that pressure."

Rose slightly turned her head. With her eyes closed and drool slipping into the book, this nap could arguably be the best sleep she has had in her lifetime. Of course, two idiots had to ruin that.

"Shut up." She murmured while adjusting her head to a more comfortable position.

"Why do you snore so loud?" Malfoy asked, bending down to her level.

Her eyes shot open and she glared straight into his gray ones. "Ever heard of personal space, Malfoy?"

"Ever heard of basic decency, Weasley?" He shot back.

Rose felt her face heat up as she wiped off the slight trail of drool around her lips. "Keep talking. You can really win the 'most hypocritical' award."

"Yeah? Well-"

"Merlin, can you two not spend one minute without arguing?" Albus interrupted.

"It's kinda hard when she's so obsessed with me."

"Obsessed? Try again, you muppet."

"Here we go again." Al muttered to himself as he ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, come on you two. We are going to spend some quality time together."

Albus used both of his hands-one for each person- to drag them along with him.

"Al! I can't just leave my stuff here!"

"It's fine. We'll be back in a jiffy."

"But what if someone takes it?"

"Oh please, no one's going to steal your fifty pound book." Malfoy snorted.

"Sod off, you stupid ferret."

"Is that the best you can come up with, gryffindork?"

"Like yours was any better."

"I should be getting paid for this..." Albus sighed.

Albus pulled them outdoors as they bickered down the corridors.

"What are we doing here?" Rose sighed, ignoring Malfoy's latest remark. Something about her troll-like features...

"Hm? Oh, we're just taking a walk, that's all."

"Why?" Malfoy chimed in.

"You both need it. You know, with N.E.W.T.s and all. Mum wanted me to take them too but Merlin knows if I'll even last a day before drowning myself in the Great Lake. And well...clearly you too are on the verge of doing so."

"It's not the studying. It's this moron. He knows what he's doing." Rose huffed.

"And how is my presence any different than last year? Or the year before that?" Malfoy asked while purposefully walking closer to her.

"You're trying to beat me in N.E.W.T.s the best way you know how to. By annoying me. And you're wasting your time because it's not working."

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