some quick info

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I know this stuff is boring as heck so I'll make it quick! Please at LEAST read the Trigger warnings if you feel like something in the story could be of harm to you!

Slight Angxt
Injuries/Wounds (not super vivid descriptions)
Cursing (kept to a minimum)
Talk of Death
Talk of suffering
Minor mentions of torture (no vivid details)
If you notice anything else you think I should add to the list, please, PLEASE tell me! I don't want to accidentally freak people out or anything :(

Was inspired to write this by BlueQuills_ (sorry to tag you but I want people to be able to find your beautiful stories easier)
Their stories are beyond stunning but beware because they will drop kick you in the stomach, pick you up and gently hug you, then suplex you into the hard, cold ground of beautifully described suffering.
You have been warned. If you can handle that, then please for the love of all that you hold dear, READ THEIR STORIES AND GIVE THEM SOME MAJOR SUPPORT. THEY. ARE. AMAZING.

With that out of the way, this is a story about Grian and Tommy swapping places in their respective servers. I just love the chaotic, red sweater-ed blonde british gremlin boys!

No ships, as most of the people I'm writing about are uncomfy with that and I would like to respect their wishes even though they'll never read this.

I believe in Sleepy Bois Inc Family Dynamic Supremacy, Technoblade cannot stop me because I have no eyes, I see through echolocation, and I am also deaf.

If you can't tell immediately that Techno is one of my very favorite people, then I have failed.

There will be some minor angxt, BUT NO CHARACTER DEATH BECAUSE BLUE QUILLS YOU HAVE HURT ME- ahah yeah character death hurts me too much and I could never inflict that pain willingly upon anyone because I am soft.

Dream will be written as a minor villain however do not fret for he too will live without causing TOO much damage :)
Okay I need to end this before I spill my entire plot uh SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADE

Stay safe everyone, get a drink of water, eat a snack, don't push yourself too hard, take a break and do something you love, maybe go outside for a bit but be sure to wash your hands and follow the rules and guidelines your area has set up. And don't! Forget to sleep! Looking at you, late night readers! The fanfics will still be here tomorrow morning!

Oh PS I changed some ages around, so it made more sense for the story!

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