Chapter 110: My Alpha

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No one needed to hear me say another word for them to understand. They already knew who and what I meant.

This time, I was the one who asked a question. "Does Levi usually visit him?"

Hanji nodded in response. "He usually visits every Friday evening. You're safe today."

After than brief talk, everyone decided to head out back to their own places. Annie and Mikasa offered to accompany me to the graveyard, but I politely declined. Annie is probably tired from traveling so much and I'm sure Mikasa has better things to do than to wait for me while I stare at a grave for several minutes.

Eren and Armin must be tired as well, and I'd rather let them rest than to drag them along.

So I went alone.

After asking for the address of the cemetery and the location of the grave, I got myself a cab and headed there straight away. I wasn't in a rush, I still had a few hours until the sun sets so I took my time.

The ride was quiet, as expected, since I don't really speak that much with random people and the driver wasn't much of a speaker either. His objective was just to get me to the graveyard as soon as possible, and only that. I didn't mind the silence. I'd take it over awkward small talk anytime.

It was about a little over a 30 minute ride for us to reach the destination. I handed him the money, got out, and watched as he sped away.

The place was eerily silent, but that made sense to me. This was was the final resting place of hundreds of people, it would be rude to be so noisy around here. If kids were to run around screaming around here, I'm sure they'd get kicked out instantly.

The quietness of the place doesn't bother me that much, mostly because it's still bright. I can't say the same if I were to come here at night. Graveyards give off a creepy vibe, and though I can probably act like it was fine, I would be shrieking in the inside.

But thankfully, this place gave off a more calm and peaceful feeling rather than scary. It was well kept and taken care off, most of the fallen leaves swept away and the grass nicely trimmed. Few of the graves within my sight was showered with fresh flowers, brightening up the view by plenty.

Ah, shoot. I forgot. How can I not come here without bringing flowers??


Don't rub it in my face, Ziahra.

I walked out of the cemetery, looking back and forth around me. Are there no flower shops nearby? Do I have to take another taxi? Damnit, that's just wasting money.

There were a few buildings around the cemetery, but none of them looked like a flower shop. That's so dumb. Opening a flower shop near a graveyard is good business. I mean, look at me, searching around for a flower shop like an idiot.

Do you not smell it?

Smell what?


Hearing the wolf's answer, I turned around and stared at the flowers on the a few graves. You sure you're not smelling those?

I'm offended that you doubt my sense of smell.

Geez well I'm sorry then, lead the way.

No. Go find it yourself.

I groaned internally. Oh my god, are you mad? Really?

I was at first, but then I realized this is good exercise for you.

Come on, we can exercise later!

My Alpha ~ Levi x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ