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'Knock' 'knock' I hear the soft knows on the door and I feel her she is around I hold my daughter tightly against me as I go to open the door the knocks keep coming even though I already yelled am coming twice the person keeps knocking.
I get to the door and it feels like Adrian is at the door I shake off the feeling because she kicked us out of her life and I won't forgive her for it ever. Because I can't forgive the woman that refuses to let my daughter grow up with the presence and live of a mother, I can't and I won't, but the feeling is stronger as I get to the door but what shocks me are the panting sounds I can here as I reach the wooded door and as I open the door the sight before me is one I would never have imagined. Adrian crawled up on the floor bleeding and still knocking on the wood even as it opens. I immediately go to drop the baby on a nearby couch and securely guard her with pillows then run back to the door and carry Adrian in a few drops of tears want to escape but I don't let them drop because even though she is dying now she still rejected us but what I don't understand is how she got here,how she was sure we would be living here, why is she bleeding, I quickly lay her on the rug and run to the kitchen to get the first aid box while picking up my phone to call the paramedics. She just watches we as I move around gathering all I need then stare at the baby. I can't help but ask if she would like to hold the baby once and she nods and thanks me for the favor but I tell her "you rejected us we didn't" I think took her aback because she only looked at me with hurt before I gave her the baby which she held on to like her life defend on her while I clean up her wound. As I dress her wound which is on her stomach and looks kind of like a stab wound I want to ask all the numerous questions I have to her but I will wait till she gets to the hospital and is making recovery so as not to stress her.
Suddenly as I go to change the water for her clean up I start hearing her gasp from the loss of so much blood she is nearly hanging on I go to her and hold her up against me while talking to her asking her to hold on not close her eyes hang in there the paramedics are on their way. But what she says next and what I see next make me explode at her in a way I would never have because though am angry I don't have her infact I can't stop loving her.
Adrian: Tyler I think time is up
Tyler: hold on, hang in there think of me think of Bree
Adrian: I am and I am happy you love her a lot she needs you more thank me
Tyler: no (outraged) what are you saying
Adrian: (smiles) Tyler take care of Bree protect her love her on my behalf and please don't ever tell her anything about me or our time together (gasping for breath)
Tyler: no no no no what do you how selfish can you be you have to hold on for her
Bree starts crying so Tyler goes to pick her up as he is returning he can here the siren of the ambulance pulling up and Adrian still struggling.
He quickly brings the paramedics in the do everything to stabilize her but she keeps repeating "keep her safe protect her keep her safe protect her" and then silence.
The shock the Pain engulfs him as he holds her more tightly while Bree in their middle starts crying maybe because she can also sense the death of her mother or the discomforted the position right now.
Tyler still in shock of loosing his wife and love let's her go and holds on more tightly to his daughter as the paramedics give them a minute together before putting her body in a body back and loading her into the ambulance. As the attendant said she is at PEACE now, while bowing his head and wheeling her away.

Next day
The sun was high in the sky shining but the house was gloomy as Tyler got out of bed leaving his room to freshen up and also clean up their daughter but he found she was not beside him he was about to panic but heard light chattering and movements outside the room. Tyler: "could all that happened yesterday be a dream" he said to himself as he didn't see his daughter on the bed beside him and could still here the sounds from the kitchen could she she alive and fine,the excitement over took him and he all but ran down only to see.......

To be continued

Ok so this chapter is over and in the next or next next scene the real story will begin and more on what Adrian life is about will be exposed as well as Tyler's family
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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