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Blood is thick and strong but when you have no choice but to denounce it you can either accept defeat and return to your loved ones or keep running and hope one day you get to reunite

Six months later
It's been six months I keep coming back here to the cabin and each time I peak into the cabin I can see Tyler cradling my baby girl against his while using his other hand to reading the book of stories we created for her.
This has been their routine for months now, I think he keeps reading the book in hopes that I would walk through the door someday and hold our daughter, while assuring him I will never leave again.
I won't be going in anytime soon since my mess isn't cleared up yet and I can't put my family in danger.

As irritation seeps through me hearing the word incessant cry of Bree in my I can't help but wonder where Tyler is as I clearly told him a while ago I never want to see either of them. The hurt he had on his face when I said he can have full custody for Bree and live in the cabin as it was theirs now and never expect me to be a part of their lives, aches at my heart but I need for them to leave and have no contact with me as I fear what might happen to my little girl if pops ever found out about her or worse Sam got wind of her. I come back to reality as Bree keeps crying and I open my eyes to see my baby pink after crying a lot. Instinctively a reach out for her to lift her against my chest and feel her heart and be assured that I had all I needed and shouldn't run anymore but just as fast as I stretched out to pick her up I retracted my hands against me while a lone tear drops and press the button for a nurse to come and attend to her.
Shockingly as I reach for the remote and raise my head up I see Tyler standing in the corner watching me with an expression I can not decipher as he has never looked at me that way before. The look on his was a mixture of pain, shock, disbelief, disgust  amongst other. I think we held the gaze for what felt like and eternity and by the time I realized we were staring at each other Bree had stopped crying and was whimpering then Tyler broke me with what he said next;
"Was it all a lie, what kind of mother are you," Tyler whispered and all the tears I had held on to started pouring I want to tell him about my background and family but the fear eats at me because I know he will want to be involved and I can not let that happen. Bree needs at least one parent who would love her unconditionally even if I sound mean now even to myself I need him there for our baby girl always as I might survive or not but they just need to be safe. And so with a heavy heart I say to Tyler, "leave and never show me your disgusting face and that bastard of yours face ever again". It took me a lot to say all that while looking at him in the face. I could see the hatred in his eyes as he picks a now quiet or sleeping Bree picks up her diaper bag and looks at me once then leave.

That was the last I saw of him and Bree at the hospital a couple of days later I was discharged and I came here to our home and the sight in the window was magical but I left almost as quickly since I wouldn't want any of Pop's men following me here and knowing my secret, since then I return here twice every month on random days but at this time to watch my world and have a little peace away from the hell I was born into.
But sadly for me today will be my last. Knock on the door and wait for Tyler to open up
'Knock' 'knock'

So that's the end of the chapter I can't wait to here review it don't be alarmed next chapter will be up immediately this is up I will try to speed up the pace of this book

Super excited to drop part 4 but seriously what do u think of this book
Ps vote comment and enjoy

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