A Teacher You Can Trust

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     Thrawn's P.O.V

"MR. WALLIS PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW." i say the boy on the floor. "Mr. Orellios make sure he gets there class continue on you assignment for the day i will be right back." i tell my class. "yes sir." they all reply. i make my way to the hall looking for Mr. Bridger and i found him outside the door on sitting on the ground with his knees in his chest. "Ezra would you come with me for a minute please?" i ask him. he didnt say anything just stood up and followed me into the supply closet connected to my class room. "im sorry Mr. Thrawn but when someone talks about it i loose myself." he said. "my dear boy you dont have to apologize to me i understand what youve been through." i tell him as i see his face for the first time. "what do you mean?" he askes me. i rolled up both of my shirt sleeve revealing the scars and burns i received from my father. "my boy while mine werent from an adoptive father i know your pain these are from my own father. my brothers and sisters have him to we were never safe from him." i tell him. he seems shocked i told his this but i see that he trusts me. "ill try not to let it happen again sir." he tells me. "im glad to here that but if something like that happens again come talk to me im always here to help my students." i tell him and to my surprise he hugged me. "thank you." your welcome now shall we get back to class?" i ask. "yes sir." he say. and with that we both head back to the room.

     Sabine's P.O.V 

everything happened so fast but i wasnt surprised by what Ezra did and to be honest i dont blame him i wouldve hit that prick too but damn Ezra almost knocked him out. i told everyone not to say anything that i would talk to him at home and they all nodded and went back to work. then Mr. Thrawn and Ezra walked in and to my surprise Ezra wasnt hiding his face. it looked as if he was walking with pride and no one in the class except me and the crew made eye contact with him. he sat back down next to me and i rubbed his back. "class you can do whatever you want for the rest of class i will be out of the room just no leaving unless its and emergency." Mr Thrawn said. i didnt say anything to Ezra about what happened instead we just drew. 

     At the house no one P.O.V

as soon as the crew got home Ezra went straight to his room. about 15 minutes had passed and they all decided to go and talk to him. they got to the door and Sabine knocked. "hey Ez can we talk?" she asked. "yeah sure come in." Ezra said behind the door. they all walked in and saw Ezra by his desk drawing with a book next to him. a little bit after they walked in Ezra shot up from his seat with a bunch of papers and walked over to the wall next to them. he layed them down and grabbed some tape and began putting them on the way. one by one they started to make a big picture that made the crew look at him with pride. "what do ya think." he asked nervous. "i like it but Ez what is it?" Sabine asked him. " its our art project. Thrawn said he wanted us to tell a moment is history with art so i thought why not the Empire and Rebel war." he told them. "wow that amazing Ezra." Zeb said with pride. "thanks but i know this isnt what you want to talk about." Ezra told him. he went back to his desk for some more paper and went back to the wall with about 20. he tapped them all together and put them on the wall. with one pencil a photo began to take shape. 3 humans 2 of them Jedi 1 a Mandalorian a Lasat warrior a Twi'lek pilot and a droid. behind them was a modified VXC-100 light freighter. "whos that?" Hera asked. "thats the Ghost crew. one of the major rebel cells in the begging of the rebellions." he told them still adding a few details. "Ezra we need to talk about what happened in class." Kanan told him. "sure what about." Ezra said still working going back to the book every now and then. "are you ok?" Sabine asked. "of course." he told them " me and Thrawn had a good talk and he evened me out. hes a good guy and really helped me today." Ezra told them setting his pencil down rubbing his hand as he sat at his desk. Sabine walked over to him and sat down next to him. "we were all worried about you and wanted to make sure your ok." she told him massaging his hand. "im fine guys im not gonna let someone like Justin get the better of me. im not that easy to break." he laughed. "bet i could break you." Sabine said with a smirk. everyone just looked at her with weird faces and Sabine realized she said that out loud. "ok uh were gonna go now." Hera said pushing everyone out of the room making Ezra laugh even more. 

he lust looked at Sabine with a smile on his face as she tried to sink into the chair. "what did you mean Sabs?" Ezra asked her. "uhh." was all she could say trying to make up an excuse for the dirty joke she just made. "just tryin to make a joke." she told him. "well it made me laugh." he said still smiling. "lets get this project movin babe. i dont wanna disappoint Thrawn again." she told him. "you read my mind." Ezra said as the 2 laughed. for the rest of the day they laugh joked and talked while working on there project. after they felt like they did enough for the day they both fell on Ezra's bed. Sabine yawned as Ezra wrapped his arm around her pulling the blankets over them. "goodnight bine." he said kissing her forehead "night Ez." she replied laying her head on his chest. soon after Ezra was out or at least Sabine thought he was. "i love you." she said. "i love you too." she heard him say. Sabine snuggled up closer to him thinking about how their project was coming. she loved working on art with him and she was proud of what they've created so far. she smiled as sleep consumed her waiting so they can show what they've created 

funny thats 2020 words but its a good chapter unlike the year which was shitty. longest one so far see you guys net time ~Ryder 

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