Chapter Seventeen

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The great hall has been transformed into a winter wonderland, instead of the usual house tables, there are now smaller, more intimate tables around the edges of the hall, leaving enough floor for dancing. The whole room has been lit with lanterns giving it a warm and magical light. As the Champions and their partners enter the hall, applause rises from those gathered. Fleur leads the way, on the arm of a stunning young Ravenclaw boy. Followed by Cedric and his date, Cho. Behind them, Rhiannon and George. And leading up the rear, Harry and Parvati. As the champions reach the dance floor, they turn to face their partners, taking dancing stances, George notes Rhiannon's nerves. He squeezes Rhiannon's waist in support as he curls his arm around her, reminding her that this is supposed to be fun. His other hand taking hers. She nods and smiles up at him. He winks back. She takes a deep breath and holds up her head. Music begins to play and the champions move with it. Some more adept than others. Harry's feet staggering slightly as he tries to remember what they were taught by McGonagall leading up to this. Rhiannon's dress was perfect for this, the spinning, her skirt moving with a glorious gracefulness. She kind of feels like one of those muggle fairy tale princesses she used to hear the matron reading to the other girls in the orphanage. And it helps that George is a pretty good dancer, considering how long his legs are. Dumbledore leads McGonagall from the top table and with a short bow, sweeps her onto the floor, where they dance formerly but beautifully. Quickly, the remaining staff pair off and join them. Even Madame Maxime yield to Hagrid and his terrible suit. Finally, the students converge, led by Neville who glides, much to the astonishment of his date, Ginny Weasley. Harry looks up a little at the ceiling and then back to his partner, only he finds that Parvati is gone, and Rhiannon in her place, she smirks at him but he doesn't stop dancing, instead, he rolls with it.

"Okay, so...I felt bad," She tells him as they dance together. "When you asked me....and I had to say no...and it's silly really"

"Where's Parvati?" He asks her, she nods across to where George is now dancing with Parvati.

"She's okay" She answers. "I didn't hurt her"

"I never thought you did" He assures her, she glances at him. "Why is it silly?" He asks her, she hums and looks away again.

"I was complaining to George about how the person I actually wanted to ask me...hadn't...asked so...he asked, it was a pity ask really..." She looks back at Harry. "And then the person I did actually want to ask me....he asked" He is not stupid enough to not get that, he blushes slightly and looks down at his feet. "And I already said I would go with George and I didn't want to go back on my word...I like to think I am a woman of some honour..."

"It's okay, Rhiannon" He stops her, she doesn't need to explain to him why she said no. "I waited too long to ask you, that's not your fault" He looks at her. "I just...Didn't think you'd want to...go with me....and then Ron asked Fleur and I thought...I can do that" She laughs a little. "Even if you said no, at least I asked..." He shrugs a little and draws his hand over her back of her waist. "And...when you look beautiful," He tells her, she smiles warmly at him. "I should have asked you sooner" He settles on.

"Thank you" She offers. "But can I just say that it's a shame about your outfit" He frowns a little, she chuckles. "I was kind of hoping for something a little more..." She casts a glance at Ron and his hideous dress robes. Harry follows her eyes, chuckles and shakes his head.

"My turn" George states, stealing Rhiannon back from Harry, she waves a little at Harry as she disappears into the crowd of dancers with George, Harry smiles to himself through. It's not that she didn't want to come with him. She was just too nice to take back an already accepted invitation. It kind of makes him like her more.


Hours Later: Gone isthe tranquil and graceful waltz and classical music, and now, the sounds of the Weird Sisters fill the great hall. The dance floor has been transformed into a mosh pit and is now hopping and packed with bodies. George and Rhiannon have been joined by Fred and his date, Angelina.


Harry leaves the hall, intending on going back to the dorm. He tucks his hands in his pocket and kicks at the ground with his shoe. Ron's mood has soured the more he watched Viktor and Hermione and Harry didn't want to be in the middle of that. Barefeet on stone sounds behind him and he turns to find Rhiannon following him.

"Leaving so soon" She teases, Harry shrugs.

"It's...I don't really feel like staying" He admits, she walks towards him, her shoes held in her fingers. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Go back and enjoy the party"

"Not when you look so glum" She counters and threads her arm with his. "This is supposed to be the fun part of the tournament" She reminds him. "You're not having fun"

"But you were" He argues, she shrugs a little and gives him a small smile.

"Come with me" She holds out her hand to him, he glances around before he takes it. They vanish in a puff of Mist.


Harry gasps when he reappears and almost tumbles, warm fingers grabbing the back of his shirt to pull him back. He spins to face Rhiannon who pulls a face.

"That was close" She whispers in apology. "Sorry, miscalculated....not intentional" Harry glances around to find them on a bridge at the boundary of the castle grounds. Rhiannon turns and moves to the other side of the bridge. "Here. It's peaceful out here" He moves to her side and then lets out a breath. The sky above them is clear, stars and the moon shining away like lights. "Beautiful" She offers as she leans on the railing. Harry watches her face. He smiles.

"Yeah" He agrees and then leans at her side.

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