Chapter Eight

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Viktor and Rhiannon walk together, she's just informed him of the whole dragon thing and he is silent as he processes this. He knew, they all did, that the tasks would be tough, people have died before, so of course, they were going to be tough, but dragons are...that's not even subtle danger. That's just screaming in her face danger. And she's fourteen.

"What are you going to do?" Viktor asks her, she shrugs as they head through the library.

"Not die" She answers and looks at him. "I don't know" She corrects herself.

"I can teach you the Conjunctivitis Curse" He offers.

"Still a chance of injury" She counters. "If it's moving around blind..." He hums a little. "I'm thinking runes" He looks at her. "Karkaroff says that I have two things that give me an edge...Mist and runes....that's how I am going to survive. I just need to study up on my runes. I need to memorise them, practice them...." She sighs and looks down at the books in her arms. "We have a couple of weeks, right? Before the first task?" He nods. "Then I can do this...I just need a handful of runes...."


Weeks Later; In a tent, which has been set up specifically for the champions, Rhiannon drops a book onto the small chaise and pulls out her wand before she shrugs out of her Durmstrang robes, giving her space to get to her arms. Using her wand to cast into her skin, her eyes scanning over images in the now open book. She's facing a dragon. She knows which runes are going to be best. Fireproofing; is a must. Strength. Agility. She hisses a little and closes her eyes, trying to concentrate, to push through her nerves. That won't do her runes any good. It's a very precise art. It's why so few actually have ever used this magic. Harry is pacing nervously behind her, but his eyes are watching her, he's confused, and a little alarmed that she appears to be hurting herself. Or marking herself or something to herself. He's not sure. Hermione is standing by the tent door whispering to him through the fabric.

"Pssst! Harry? Is that you?" Hermione asks.

"Yeah." Harry answers.

"How are you feeling? Okay? The key is to concentrate. After that, you just have to..." Hermione offers.

"Battle a dragon." Harry finishes for her. Hermione enters the tent and they hug. A bright camera flashes and Rita Skeeter the journalist approaches the two of them.

"Young love! Ohh how.. stirring. If things go unfortunately today you two may even make the front page." Rita tells them.

"You" Hermione hisses slightly.

"Oh, don't even start, you silly girl. I can tell you where it'll end" Rita warns her.

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends." Rhiannon scolds the woman as she approaches.

"No matter. We've got what we wanted." Rita counters, giving Rhiannon a look, she knows she's just exposed that she is perfectly capable of speaking English but she doesn't care.

"Thanks, Rhiannon," Harry tells her, she shrugs back at him. Hermione eyes the runes that have been drawn on Rhiannon's skin.

"She's annoying, like..." Rhiannon pauses as she tries to think of something as annoying as Rita. "Like nothing, there is nothing more annoying" She draws off, Harry smiles a little and then nods in agreement.

"Those are runes" Hermione points out, reaching out to touch a rune on Rhiannon's skin. "I've never seen them successfully applied before"

"One of my many talents" Rhiannon teases, sharing a look with Harry. Dumbledore enters from the opposite side of the tent, with him are Karkaroff, Madame Maxime, Barty Crouch, and Attila who stalks at Karkaroff's side.

"Good evening, Champions" Dumbledore greets. "Gather round please" The Champions move closer to join Dumbledore, Hermione with them. "Now you've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only four of you can fully appreciate. Which begs the question; why are you in here this moment, Miss Granger?" Hermione appears embarrassed.

"Oh. Sorry. I'll...just. Go" She then gives Harry a small smile and then leaves.

"Barty" Dumbledore states.

"Surely it's been excruciating for you all, speculating these many weeks as to just what it is that awaits you tonight...Are those magical runes, Miss Grindelwald?" He suddenly asks, looking at Rhiannon's arms.

"They are not against the rules" Karkaroff is quick to defend. "Or the law"

"No" Barty agrees. "I am just surprised to see them on a witch so young" Attila growls slightly at Karkaroff's side. Barty then clears his throat and holds out a bag. "Within this bag lies the answer...Miss Delacour, if you will..." Barty holds out the bag towards Fleur who reaches inside and takes out a little green dragon. "The welsh green," Barty explains. "Miss Grindelwald..." He holds out the bag to her and Rhiannon takes a deep breath before she reaches inside and then pulls her hand back. Karkaroff moves closer to have a look when Rhiannon uncurls her fingers to reveal... "The Chinese fireball. Oooooh." Barty informs her and then holds out the bag to Cedric who reaches in and pulls out another dragon. "The Swedish short-snout. Which leaves..."

"The horntail..." Harry whispers to himself.

"What's that boy?" Barty asks.

"Nothing" Harry answers, then puts his hand in the bag and pulls out the dragon.

"The Hungarian horntail. These represent very real dragons, each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple, collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?" Barty explains for them. No one voices anything. They are now more worried about the dragons.

"Very well." Dumbledore takes over. "Good luck champions. Mr Diggory, at the sound of the cannon, you may pro..." Filch fires a small cannon a tad early causing all present to jump out of their skin.


Rhiannon clutches to her wand in her lap, her leg jiggling away. She is waiting for her turn. After Fleur who currently faces her dragon in the arena. Rhiannon is third in line. Which means she has to listen to the others face their dragon. Listen to the cheers. Harry is sat at her side. Both of them silent. Both of them waiting. She glances at him and he gives her a smile. She gives him a wary one back, he nods, understands that she is utterly terrified. He can't say that he isn't either. These last weeks, practising together at night, he has seen that she is more than just intelligent. She's a genius. And she's kind. Compassionate. Things he wasn't really expecting from her. He also knows that she is a lot more scared about all of this than her outward appearance and personality might show. And he's liked having someone around to talk to. Ron is still ignoring him. And Hermione doesn't really understand.

"Miss Grindelwald" Dumbledore states from the tent entrance. She nods and stands. Harry watches as she moves to the tent entrance, takes a deep breath before disappearing outside. He lets out a breath.

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