Chapter Two

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Rhiannon sits on her cot, on the Durmstand Ship, with Attila who licks at his paw, she has a book open in her lap. With them being housed at Hogwarts for the school year, she's having to take classes here, which means, all new textbooks.

"Why Karkaroff still insists on me accompanying him everywhere eludes me" She grumbles a little. Attila lifts his head to look at her.

"You know why" Attila corrects her, she lowers her book and looks at him. "He covets you" He reminds her, she nods a little. "His little pet"

"Don't say it like that, Frikadelle" She scolds him, she hates being considered Karkaroff's prize, even though she knows that she is, but being called his pet, it just rubs her up the wrong way.

"Don't call me that" He grumbles at her, her lips twitch slightly, she knows he hates that nickname, so she only uses it when he annoys or upsets her, just so he knows.

"I'm just some kid" She whispers. "Who never met her parents, but is somehow still tethered to them and their legacy" Attila looks at her sadly.

"Because you are one of a kind" he rests his head in her lap and she scratches at his head. "And magically powerful..." She hums and nods again but it doesn't make her feel better. Attila stands and moves to lay closer to her, curled into her side. "You know I would never let anything hurt you" He offers, her eyes shift to him. "Malen'kiy, I made you a promise...a vow...a life debt owed...." She smiles and nods.

"I know" She whispers in agreement. She knows what that means. He will remain at her side, protecting her from anything and everything until his natural death or her natural death, whichever comes first.

"Do you ever wonder where you would have ended up if not at Durmstrang?" He asks her, she hums a little, thoughtful.

"Probably Beauxbatons" She admits as she sets her book aside to stroke his fur. "I don't suppose it would have been much different, who I am wouldn't have changed...." He nuzzles into her leg as she sighs. "Alright, time for sleep" She pats his head and he stands, climbing from the bed to lay on the floor instead. Leaving her to get comfortable in her cot. "Thank you, Attila" She offers, he purrs slightly. She doesn't know what she would do if she didn't have him with her.


Rhiannon hurries around a corner and then groans seeing another empty hallway. She knows she is late for class by now. But come on, this castle has way too many hallways. She takes a deep breath and looks down at the written instructions on a piece of parchment, she thought she did it all right, she thought she was on the right track, but this now dead-end tells her otherwise. She turns and then glances back at her instructions, up again and then decides.

"Lächerlich" She complains as she walks down another hallway. They all look the same. At least at Durmstrang, their hallways differ enough that students can make their way to classes without getting lost. Even if it is just a portrait that differs, or a trophy case, or....something. Just anything that makes each hallway different. "Endlich" She lets out, relieved to have finally found her way to the right classroom.


Inside the defence against the dark arts classroom, Harry sits with Ron, next to Hermione's half-filled table. At the front of the class, Mad-Eye Moody stands in front of a blackboard.

"Alastor Moody." He writes his name on the board. "Ministry malcontent." Moody continues. "And your new defence against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" No one raises a hand. No one voices a question. The door to the classroom opens and Rhiannon appears in the doorway. Moody notices and nods. "Ah, yes, the fourth year Durmstrang, quickly, come in" Rhiannon enters the classroom and closes the door behind her, Moody moving to greet her. "Grindelwald, isn't it?" He asks, she nods again and then sighs, would it have been so hard just to use a fake surname whilst she was here, but of course not, Karkaroff likes to make it known that he has Gellert's daughter in his school. Whispers begin spreading through the room. Harry frowns a little listening to them.

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