Chapter Ten

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Rhiannon leans back against the door to her cabin on the ship, her eyes drifting closed as Attila jumps up onto her bed, he glares at the box that is in his way but then curls up. She throws the egg onto the bed and moves to the box. She knows what it is. It's the mirror. There is a small note on the top and she shakes her head a little then picks up the note. 'Don't throw away something you may later regret'. She purses her lips and sighs, she looks at the box. Perhaps Dumbledore is right. She is upset. Hearing that her father actually had no idea really about her. That he wants to. It upset her. Because she believed for so long that he had chosen not to be there. She knows that it would have been difficult with him being imprisoned but she always thought that they could have had something, letters at least, that what she got, the muggle childhood she got was avoidable. But maybe it wasn't. It is still his fault that he is imprisoned, she is not suddenly going to believe that what he did wasn't his fault. He chose to go down that path. He chose the path that led him to being branded a 'dark' wizard. She sets the note down and picks up the egg. Concentrate on the tasks. Not the dad. That she can do that. She sits on the bed beside Attila, her fingers toying with the catch on the egg, she lets out a breath and looks at her companion.

"Ready?" She asks him, he nudges her arm and nods. She unlocks the catch and the egg opens. A horrible screeching wail fills the room. Attila cries out and buries his head under her pillow.

"Shut it up! Shut it up!" Attila scolds her. Rhiannon manages to close the egg, the room once again falling into silence. Attila lifts his head and then cocks it.

"What in Merlin's name was that?" She asks him just as Viktor and Karkaroff burst into her room. She looks at them as they scan her room for any danger. Viktor lets out a breath and looks at her.

"We heard..." He starts, she nods and holds up the egg. She takes a deep breath and cringes before she opens it again. The screeching wails again before she closes it again. "Oh," Viktor whispers.

"How is that supposed to be a clue?" She asks them. "It's indecipherable" She sighs and looks down at the egg. "I don't know what I am doing"

"Do you think any of the others do?" Viktor asks her as he moves closer, Karkaroff leaving them to it. "Do you think Potter does?" She sighs and shrugs.

"No" She mumbles and traces the egg.


Harry sits with Ron at breakfast. They kind of made up after the dragon thing. He's pretty sure that it hasn't just been a complete fix but at least they are talking again. He's missed having his best friend at his side. Ron is watching Harry as he reads the jinx book that Rhiannon had loaned him.

"So now we're friends again are you going to tell me where you've been sneaking out to almost every night?" Ron asks, Harry glances at him.

"What?" Harry asks back, trying to feign innocence. Ron gives him a look back. "Fine" Harry caves slightly and closes his book. "I've been training with Rhiannon" Ron turns slightly.

"Grindelwald?" Ron asks. "Are you crazy? She's your competition"

"She taught me the Accio charm" Harry points out. "The one I used against the dragon...."

"Yeah, but she's Grindelwald" Ron counters, Harry shakes his head.

"She's not her father" Harry scolds. "She's actually really nice" He glances across as he picks up his drink. His eyes finding Rhiannon at the Slytherin table. She sits alone, her head buried in a notebook as she scribbles away. Making notes and observations around the egg and it's....wail. She pauses her scribbling and then looks up, sensing Harry's eyes on her. She smiles a little at him. He smiles back which dribbles his drink down his chin, he turns away, quickly. Embarrassed. Ron looks between them before he seems to realise.

"You fancy her" Ron points out, Harry chokes on what liquid is left in his mouth.

"Shut up" Harry hisses slightly. "I don't" He then defends. Ron gives him a look back. Parvati and Padma Patil, identical twins, stroll by and cast Harry identified come hither looks.

"Hi, Harry" They greet together but Harry keeps his eyes from them. Beside him, Hermione is scowling at the Daily Prophet article by Rita Skeeter.

"I don't believe it" Hermione complains. "She's done it again" Harry and Ron look at her. "Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than Bulgarian bonbon Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter is taking this latest emotional blow" She reads from the pages.

"You and Krum" Ron starts. "That's rich" Ron chuckles, Hermione glares at him. "I just mean...I know you. Krum's famous"

"Who's more famous than Harry Potter?" Hermione counters. "And he's your best friend"

"Yeah, well, that's different, isn't it?" Ron defends. Hermione shakes her head as a tiny first-year boy, Nigel, dashes towards the table with a floppy box.

"Parcel for you, Mr Weasley" He states.

"Ah, thank you, Nigel" Ron takes the box from him. Nigel stares in awe at Harry. "Not now, Nigel," Ron tells him, giving him a look. Nigel stumbles off, Harry and Hermione eye Ron, he shrugs. "I told him I'd get Harry's autograph." He admits as he opens the box. "Hey look. Mum's sent me something...Mum's sent me a dress..." Harry watches Ron life a lace-trimmed gown from the box.

"Does match your eyes" Harry offers with an amused smile. "Is there a bonnet?" He asks as he searches the box.

"Nose out, Harry" Ron scolds him. "Hey, Ginny" He turns to his sister down the table. "This must be for you"

"I'm not wearing that. It's ghastly" She counters. Hermione, back of her hand to her mouth, suppresses a laugh.

"What're you on about?" Ron asks.

"They're not for Ginny" Hermione points out. "They're for you. Dress robes"

"Dress robes?" He squeaks. "For what?" McGonagall suddenly appears behind them.

"The Yule Ball" She informs them. "Which, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak to you about, Potter"


McGonagall and Harry stand at the back of the Great Hall, a little away from the Gryffindor table.

"The Yule Ball, Professor?" Harry asks her.

"It's traditional during the Tri-Wizard Tournament for the host school to put on a Christmas ball. It is also traditional for the three champions, or in this case, four, to be the first to dance" Harry cocks his head, not sure that he's heard that right.

"Dance?" He asks. "With a girl?"

"I leave that decision up to you, Potter. You may bring Neville Longbottom is you desire. But know this; the House of Godric Gryffindor has a reputation as long as it is illustrious. It demands and receives the respect of the entire wizard world. No house has produced more witches and wizards of consequence. You stand upon the shoulders of giants, Potter. Shame yourself and you shame all who came before you" She warns him. Just then, they hear a commotion behind them at the Gryffindor table. Turning, McGonagall watches Seamus pelt Dean Thomas with a custard pie, her face drops.


Harry drops back into his seat at the table and lets out a breath. He turns hearing footsteps approaching, finds Rhiannon walking towards where he sits with his friend. Rhiannon raises an eyebrow at the robes in Ron's hands, Ron quickly pushes them back into the box, embarrassed, she smirks and looks at Hermione.

"Are you ready?" Rhiannon asks, Hermione nods and stands from her seat.

"Where are you going?" Ron counters.

"To the library...We're studying together" Hermione admits as she gathers her book. "I've finally found someone smart enough to keep up with me" She shoots Ron a look as Harry smirks as the two girls walk away together. 

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