My eyes opened fully, to see my entire squad, and my father.

"W-What happened?" I asked trying to not wince in pain as I sat up.

Detective Sandy, and Sergeant Toothiana look at each other nervously, while Lieutenant North looks around nervously.

"Tell me damnit." I said in a colder voice.

I was not in the mood for them to be withholding information.

Lieutenant North cleared his throat  spoke up.

"There was an accident at the Burgees Ball sir. An active shooter killed over 15 civilians and injured dozens. By the time we had entered the building..she was already dead."

My memory started clearing up.

The screams, the blood, and the Detective hovering over me, as I closed my eyes.

I shiver.

Where is she?

"The squad and I bursted through the doors first, and found you, Hailey Saunders, and Miles Turner on the ground bleeding out." He continued.

I stayed silent.

"We saw a trace of blood and followed it. It led to these huge oak doors... And inside was Elsa."

My breath hitched.

"She-" Lieutenant North was interrupted by Sergeant Bunnymund.

"She was lying in a pool of her own blood. Cold." He said in a monotonous voice.

I grip my fist into a ball.


"We're lucky we got there in time. She was basically dead." He said in a harsher tone.

He looked at me.

"Because of you, Sir, she could've fucking died. Because she went back in to save your sorry ass." He snarled.

Sergeant Toothiana held him back.


"No Tooth! You all need to stop acting like he's the victim! He treated us all like shit, and then threatened the life of our best friend. No. I am no longer going to put up with this bullshit."

I was definitely taken aback by this new version of Bunnymund.

But in a sense, he was right.

"Because while you sit here, like a fucking king on his filthy throne, she's still unconscious! And has been for over a fucking week!"

I hold my breath.

She's been asleep for over a week?

My Detective was suffering...because of me?

"You fucking asshole! Did you know she took a fucking bullet for you!? She diffused an active bomb, by herself, with no help!? Hm!? Did you know that she fucking risked her life for everyone?!" Bunnymund yells.

S-She what?

Oh my god...


"All of you leave." The Commissioner says trying not to lose his mind.


"Leave." He says again, but less calmly.

They all leave.

Bunnymund grumbled something underneath his breath, and I tried to just get my emotions in order.

I try not to break down right then and there.

Precinct Love  || Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now