Dark night, the smell of petrol and city lights winking in the distance form our makeshift control room.

"The plan is, Ken and I are gonna start at the front door," I mutter grimly. "You guys are gonna start on the three side, or whatever side the auxiliary windows are on. We're gonna knock, bang bang bang, NYPD, break the door, Ken will keep the door open with the ram, then we'll retreat a couple steps, stay out of the fatal funnel. Meanwhile, SWAT comes in from the windows. We get visual, assess the situation, see if the girls are in there or not, if there are lights are on or not, if our guy is there, whatever the situation is. If we're able to make contact with him, we'll order him out backwards. As soon as he steps out past the threshold, Ken and I will make sure there's nobody else coming after us outside that door. I'll have the shield; I'll hold cover for you guys. Tony, you take commands; I'll verbalize them to you. Jackson, you're gonna do takedown-and-cuff. Get him in the car, get him out of there as quickly as possible."

"Copy that."

"In the event that it's not that simple," I continue, "and we have a situation, we all make entry, sweep the house, do what we gotta do. Do not stay in the fatal funnel. If we decide to go in, we move all the way in fast. No negotiation. If he resists at all, gives us lip, verbally, physically, turns around, reaches, anything, I'm gonna taser him, flatten him out right away. Not taking any chances. We're gonna have de-escalate in front, and have the shield in back for better cover. Reagan is gonna stay behind the entire time and maintain cover for himself. I'll be less-lethal on the shield, Preston's gonna be lethal, Tony is command lethal and you're hands, Jackson."

Ken and I fist-bump. Bad boys for life, baby.

There are nods all around, and we jump into our patrol cars.

"NYPD, nobody move!"

We burst in from every entryway, commands and shattered glass raising down in an unholy pandemonium.

Immediately, we hear feedback from behind a closed door.

"Here! Please help!"

Using my shield for cover, I prepare to enter.

"Hey, Ken." I nod to my left. "Light on in bedroom number one." We position ourselves, on either side of the door.

I turn around and give the door two good hind-kicks. I burst into the room with hands crossed over each other, one gripping my gun and the other a taser.

There's our guy, eyes wide with surprise. The undercover female officer - one that I recognize with a small, surprised suck of air - immediately draws her gun on him and flashes her badge.


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"You." My gun is on the perp. "Let me see both your hands right now!" I shout. "I got him in this bedroom right here," I call behind me. Officers swoop into the room.

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