Free me from this cage.//Prologue

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"Let me go!!! Let me go!!! I don't wanna be here anymore!!!"

The girl struggled in the man's grip, his hand clutching her scrawny arms that wrestled to get away. The man dragged the girl in her dirty clothes down the metals halls. Her legs scraping the sides of the walls. With a loud Clang a door swung open to two people in white lab coats. Their lab goggles gleamed in the bright light from the middle of the room. Their faces curled into a painful looking grin. The two were different in looks entirely. One was super tall as he loomed over the man dragging the girl. While the other was shorter in his stance as he held a clipboard. But their smiles were everything but the same.


"Bring the girl to the table. We don't have all day!" The shorter man hissed, annoyed, as if he was waiting in line forever for some brand new trinket. The man gripping the scrawny girl, slung her onto the table, locking her in the shackles the table presented. The girl's body jerked upwards as one of the scientists poked one of their needles into her wrist.

"Leave me alone! I didn't do anything!" The girl screamed desperately as she tried to reach forward with her arms, but to her shackles she couldn't even budge it.

"Caesar, shut her up." The short doctor barked out, scratching down notes as the girl was gagged.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt, though I couldn't care less, if it hurt, we just need you alive." The short one looked up and stuck another needle in the girl's collar. Hot wet tears streamed down her face in fear of what they were going to do to her.

The girl's consciousness faded in and out as time went by, the torturing kept going. They wouldn't stop until one day, they had given a artificial Devil Fruit to the girl. At this point the girl had given up on calling for help.. What's the point? All she would receive was a beating instead.

Once she had eaten the Devil Fruit, she was shoved back into her cage to wait out the days.

It wasn't that bad as she had some people next to her to chat too. One of them was named Yimo, she was at least 4 years older than the little girl, she was brought in way before her.

"You, know... If we get out of here.. We'll get to see the ocean..." Yimo said softly from her side, "Maybe even get to eat candy.."

"Candy..?" The little girl asked confused.

"Ya Candy! They're like this super sweet things that melt in your mouth every time you eat them!" exclaimed Yimo excitedly.

"....What else is out there...?"

"Uhh.. lets see.. there are pirates, Marines, the New World, the Grand Line, treasures, and islands of different kinds!"

"Treasures...? The Grand Line..?" The girl looked up to the wall that separated them.

"Treasures can be anything of any worth to anybody or something personal to a person! Ummm Imma say this from the text of a book I read about the seas! The Grand Line is this gigantic ocean current that circles around the planet, flowing from west to east. It follows an imaginary line that runs from northwest to southeast across the middle of the world and perpendicular to the Red Line, a vast ring-like continent that circles the globe from north-east to south-west!"

"What are Marines and Pirates..? Are they Good?" The girl questioned, now getting more curious about what else is out there.

"Lets see.. The Marines follow this government that capture pirates, who have bounties on their heads. So in a sense, Marines are the good ones, but, Sometimes Marines over use that power and do bad things, while using their titles as excuses. Now Pirates! Pirates are everywhere! They go around the world to make it to the New World! The New World is where the last Pirate King left his treasure!"

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