36- Another Perspective.

Start from the beginning

Skipping her way up the stairs, Ellie ran to her bedroom and opened the door aggressively, her eyes on the closet. "Let's pick an outfit!" She clasped both her hands together, inspecting the clothes in her unorganized closet.

Recently, Ellie had gone to the family gathering her brother told her about. She even made sure to be there first, and she was there before everyone. Her parents were shocked but she just laughed at their reactions. Both her young siblings were wary of her, telling their parents that Ellie is trying to bribe them by doing that, which made Ellie just crack up since those two are the most rebellious out of all of her siblings.

Ellie picked out an outfit and set it on her bed and she went ahead to grab a color of nail polish. She picked out the top 6 she liked most and contemplated on which one she should choose. It took a lot of time until she picked out a color.

Damon, Ellie's brother came to the gathering and it seemed kind of off, the way he was behaving seemed kind of off. Serene, the oldest daughter of the house asked him bluntly if he got a girlfriend but Damon was quick to say no, and that made both females (Serene and Ellie) smirk. Of course, as always their mother told them to stop teasing her oldest son. The twins didn't listen and just kept bothering their older brother. It was a fun moment at the gathering.

By the time Ellie left the bathroom after taking a shower, it was already time for lunch. Ellie just ordered some food and in the meantime of her waiting for the food she filed her nails and started doing her nails.

Enough of everyone in her life, from Lucas and Athanasia, to Jeanette and Daisy. It was a weird combination of people at once. Jeanette and Lucas... enough of it all. Ellie has finally got a set date for the date with the cute guy she had been chatting with. Ellie has been anticipating for this day to come. She hadn't been on a date for god knows how long, so when she finally got asked out she was happy.

As she was doing her makeup she was eating the food she ordered. She got a call from Genevieve and she picked it up. "Hey." Ellie spoke to her as she did her makeup.

"Going somewhere?" Genevieve asked when she saw her put on makeup.

Ellie nodded and took a glance at Genevieve. "Yeah. I can't go outside without makeup." Ellie jokes and Genevieve laughed along with her.

Ellie didn't tell anyone about this date. Not even Genevieve. She wanted it to be a surprise if she ever got in a relationship. It was her first time doing something like this. She would always tell her friends first thing if she got a date and they'd always help her and give her their opinions on the outfit she chose, and her makeup.

After she was done, she ended the call with Genevieve and wore her heels. Waiting patiently, not even 20 minutes pass and she gets a phone call from the guy she's waiting to pick her up. "Hey." She picked up the phone almost immediately and got up from her place.

"I'm outside." Was the only thing he said.

Ellie smiles from just hearing his voice, and quickly turned off the lights. "I'm coming out right now." She left the house and ended the call when she saw him. She locked the door and walked up to him, he opened the door for her and she thanked him as she got in. Once he got in she averted her gaze away from him, feeling kind of shy. She lightly slapped her cheeks which made the guys next to her laugh. "Don't laugh at me, I'm kind of nervous!" She crossed her arms, which only made him laugh more.

Ellie has no idea where they'd go. Not even a clue. She left it all for her date. Ellie hates normal date nights at a restaurant, so she wanted to see what they'd do for tonight.

It got quiet after their conversation ended and she took it as a chance to ask him about their destination. "Landon-ssi, where are we going?" She questioned and clutches her purse.

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