So much for my happy ending.


It can't be, I thought as I whipped my head up to find a very surprised looking Jake standing in front of me.

"What're you doing here -"

I didn't care that I was in an airport full of people. All I knew was that he was here. He hadn't left, he was right here in front of me. This was my chance to let him know that I didn't reject him, I still wanted him.

So I kissed him.

At first he was as shocked as I was. But then, I felt his arms snake around my waist and pull me against him. He slowly moved his lips over mine, as if remembering again how it felt to kiss me.

Slowly, reluctantly, we pulled away but didn't let go of each other. His arms were around my waist and mine hung loosely around his neck.

"I love you," I breathed. "I've loved you for two years even when I was with that jerk and I had never moved on. I misunderstood you, but Leon told me everything and I -"

"You talk too much," he mumbled and broke me off with another kiss, this time not holding back.

My head was reeling, my knees were weak, my senses were on fire again after two years. It was still the same, even better, even more intense than I'd ever remembered. The phrase, distance makes the heart grow fonder was never so true. The time we had spent away from each other seemed to intensify our feelings, and that was evident in that kiss.

Someone cleared their throat. We broke off to find an uncomfortable-looking guard gazing at us.

"I'm afraid I have to tell you two to take this outside," he said.

Jake grinned when he saw me blush and he took my hand, leading me outside. I followed him with my head down, noticing from the corner of my eyes several people staring at us. Oops.

"What happened to your flight?" I asked when I could find my voice again.

"What flight?" he asked back, looking puzzled.

"I went to your apartment and the doorman said that you left with a lot of luggage for the airport," I replied.

"Ah, no," said Jake, shaking his head. "That was dad's luggage. He came back here with me and left for Japan again today."

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders when he said this.

"So…you're staying?" I asked hopefully, looking up at him and hoping he could tell that I really didn't want him to go this time.

He smiled, pulling me towards him and resting his forehead on mine. "As long as you want me to," he murmured, making my legs go weak again with one of his smouldering gazes. "You have a lot of explaining to do by the way," he added.

I sighed dramatically. "Yes, I'm afraid I do."

"And you also need to be punished for putting me through all that jealousy whenever I saw you with that jerk," he said, his eyes glinting mischievously.

"Yes, I understand," I said in mock remorse.

Jake grinned, pecking my nose. "But I'm afraid you're going to like it."

"Oh, will I?"

"Yes, at my apartment," he replied, winking.

I blushed at his suggestion and he laughed.

"Enough talking," he said. "Can we just make-out now?"

I answered by pressing my lips to his.


"Will you, Jake Adams, take Rebecca Smith as your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish..."

"I do," Jake said clearly, giving my hand a squeeze.

"And will you, Rebecca Smith, take Jake Adams as your lawfully wedded husband, to…"

"I do," I said instantly, feeling happiness bubbling inside of me as I said the two words I've been wanting to say for five years.

"You may now kiss the bride."

And so, amidst friends and family, claps and cheers, Jake and I kissed each other as husband and wife.

                                                                         ...The End...


My last lengthy Author's Note:

Well…there you have it. The end of this story. And so, Rebecca and Jake lived happily ever after. :P

I can't begin to thank you all for the support you have shown me. Every comment, every vote, every 'add to library' has put a smile on my face. This is my first ever completed story (also available on fictionpress) but I decided to see how it's received on Wattpad and I was not disappointed. *huggles all of you*

I don't really want to end this Author's Note…but I must. Any reviews from now on will be replied to, so you may ask any questions you want to.

A supplement to this story is in the works to fill up the five-year gap in this story. I'll upload the first chapter of it in a few days. Look out for the title 'Cupid Strikes Again'. ;)

Thank you for reading this till the end,

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