Chapter 23 - Lost and Found

Start from the beginning

Hotch opened his office door for you, helping you put your stuff in some of the folder cabinets that were empty. He proceeded to walk out for a bit, giving you time to hide away your intimate items before he saw them.

He knocked in the door three times before stepping inside, slowly opening the door and peeking through with caution.

"Its okay Hotch, im still putting away clothe."

"Okay, good" he says and enters, slowly closing the door behind him. "I just called the correctional facility, they say that Cat Adams is currently sleeping in her cell."

"Thank god!" you said letting out a sigh of relief, at least that pshyco wasn't out and about on the streets of Virginia. You hadn't realized how tense you were until you felt your whole body relax at the news.

"Yes, i agree that's good news, but Y/N she still found you somehow and had someone take pictures of you for almost a year while you were on the job" he said as he walked over to his usual chair and proceeded to put some "ground rules" for you.

"Because of this, I advice you to still stay here meanwhile we figure out who took those pictures and how to move Cat to another facility to prevent her for bothering you much longer. You are not to go anywhere alone, even if there's daylight. You are not to answer suspicious phone calls only people you already have a Caller ID for. And lastly Y/N, no talk about this to anyone, we clear?"

"Crystal" you said crossing your arms, feeling like you were being grounded by your father. You knew it was for your own safety, but it just made you feel like you were hiding away instead of standing your ground.

Hotch nodded and rose from his chair, he walked to door and began to step out.

"Hotch" you whispered as he was about to go.

"Whats up, kid?"

"Thank you for coming when I called" you say with a smile.

"No problem, kiddo. Is there anything else you'll need that I can get you."

"No, really im all good."

"Okay good, if you need anything im a phone call away, the bullpen is full of people that are looking through some files right now so just know you're not all alone" he says in a fatherly tone.

"Got it, sir. Once again thank you."

He smiles at you and closes the office door. You immediately walk over and lock it, closing the blinds so no one could see you change from the blue dress you were still wearing and that you would probably never wear again because of the memory attached to it.

You change into a set pajamas and take out a pillow and blanket from one of your bags. You finally lay down and try get comfortable on the bed. As you finally do so, the disturbing thoughts immediately pop up in your head.

She could ruin you, in an instant she could absolutely abolish you. You knew you had done some messed up shit, and you were sometimes disgusted by yourself because of it. You had to realize that what you did wasn't your fault, it was Cat's. Even if it was her fault though, the spill of the truth would be the absolute end of you and your shiny new life as you knew it.

Tears started to prickle your eyes at the very thought. You hugged yourself for comfort and slowly drifted off to sleep, wondering when the hell this nightmare would end.

You woke up at 5 am, giving you time to change and do your makeup before any of your team members noticed you spent the night at Hotch's office.

You finished zipping up your brown skirt and walked out of the room, looking around to make sure no one was around to see you. You saw nobody and walked out of the office, making your way down the short stairs towards your desk.

In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now