Jungkook nodded in silent agreement, opening the door for her. He looked up from the ground to see a waving hand accompanied by blonde hair, he couldn't contain his grin. Jimin was leaned against the hood of his car, sunglasses covering his eyes which were no doubt in their familiar crinkle if the wideness of his smile was anything to judge by. Jungkook had wondered why Taehyung had insisted on driving him to class, but seeing Jimin here to pick him up, it all made sense. He looked effortless as always, a white t-shirt paired with a leather jacket that Jungkook distantly wondered if he could steal from him.

"My rides here." He said apologetically, her dainty hand waving him off in response.

He was taken by surprise when she wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug, his own going to embrace her as well. His cheeks were flushed red when she pulled away, not used to such blatant physical affection, especially in public.

"Bye Jungkook! I'll see you in class!" Her high voice had chriped before she walked off, leaving him stunned momentarily. He soon jumped into action though, attempting(and failing) to hide his excitement as he walked over to the parking lot, Jimin pushing himself off of his car.

"You surprised me!" He gushed, causing Jimin's fond smile to grow even larger and he pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head.

"You act like I came from halfway across the world."

Jungkook couldn't help the flush that crawled down his neck, looking shyly down at the ground before he was taken by surprise at the hand on the back of his neck.

"C'mon, it's time to go."

He was guided over to the car, Jimin dropping his hand on his neck in favor of getting behind the wheel. While Jimin wasn't wealthy , he still made Jungkook feel like some sort of sugarbaby in training rather than a sub. He was almost embarrassed that they were about to go to Taehyung and his humble flat, he even prayed that his roommate had stayed up after taking Jungkook to class and cleaned.

Jungkook could feel Jimin's eyes on him as he put his seatbelt on, watching how the older man's hands twitch as if he wanted to do it himself. Secretly, selfishly, Jungkook wished he had. But he didn't allow himself to dwell on that thought, they had agreed that they were friends outside of scenes. Jimin wasn't his dom until the scene started.

"Who was the girl you were with?" Jimin asked curiously once they'd gotten out of the car and began walking up the stairs to his apartment.

"Minji. She's from one of my classes." He offered, feeling nervous about how to navigate the conversation.

Jimin seemed to take that as a good enough answer but Jungkook could already feel the guilt crawling around inside of him. They weren't in a relationship, or even any kind of romantic situation but he knew how much Jimin valued communication.

"She.. she's also the one I hooked up with." He added on, distracting himself by looking for his keys when they reached his door. He was met with silence, looking up as he stuck the key into the slot. Jimin's brows were furrowed, leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

The insecure part of Jungkook's brain screamed at him to apologize, to swear that he would never speak to her again if that's what it took. It told him to get on his knees and pray for forgiveness, even though logically he hadn't done anything wrong.

"Have you talked to her about what happened?" Jimin asked, the concern in his voice causing the tension to drain from the younger's body. Of course all he was worried about was Jungkook's emotional wellbeing, he hadn't ever felt so relieved that he was such a good person.

"A little bit. Not the kinky parts, but we agreed that we should have talked about our boundaries. I haven't really talked to her since things happened."

Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby // jikookWhere stories live. Discover now