Chapter 1) New Beginnings

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Ashley insisted that I returned to the WWE to finally take charge of the company. I haven't wrestled in awhile and I routinely worked out in the gym here in Pensacola, Florida over the past year.

Day after day, I realized that I started getting more into shape once again. I decided on keeping my full beard and was excited to make my return at SummerSlam to claim back by Universal championship.

The Beginning

I walked into the WWE Headquarters and sat down in Shane's office.

"Roman! Long time, no see!" Shane said, shaking my hand.

"What's up, man?"

"Are you ready to make your comeback?" He asked.

I smirked. "Of course!"

"Are you still interested on returning at SummerSlam?"

"I'll be there, Shane." I smiled. "That's a promise."

"Oh, Roman?" He said as I almost stood up from the chair.


"I remember you telling me over the phone that you wanted a change of character, is that right?"

I nodded. "I'm thinking of turning heel."

"We haven't seen you as a heel since—you know."

"Yeah, I know. I feel like I could become more comfortable as a heel than as a face. Especially after receiving a ton of negative reactions from the crowd."

"We can arrange that. After all, you've been on a hiatus ever since last year, and I believe you can pull it off. However, I do have one suggestion."


"Because Brock Lesnar isn't interested on returning to the ring for a very long time, would you want to have Paul Heyman as your advocate? It could bring some serious character development."

I paused after hearing the question. I remembered how Paul was always managing some of my bloodline members over the years like Rikishi and Samu. Paul was an amazing advocate; don't get me wrong.

Ever since that feud between Brock and I from 2015, I remembered hearing the words from Paul that he knew my bloodline very well; and that we had a long-term story together in this business. Maybe having Paul as my advocate could spice things up in my career like Shane insisted.

I flashed a smile, "I like that suggestion, Shane. I'll take Paul as my advocate."

"Great!" He said with excitement. "I'm going to go over this with the WWE Creative and see how this plays out."

Leaving the headquarters, I made my way back home. I arrived home to seeing Ashley sitting on our bed with Loto in her arms as he was peacefully asleep.

Upon walking inside of the room, I looked at my wife and son with a warm smile that was spread across my face.

"Hey baby. I don't want to wake up our son, but I have some amazing news to tell you." I whispered.

"Let me lay him down in his crib and you can tell me downstairs."

I waited until Loto was laying in his crib and then we both walked downstairs. We sat down on our comfortable, brown leather couch.

"What's the news babe?" Ashley asked.

"Shane's going to allow me to return as a heel at SummerSlam. But not just that, I'm also going to have Paul as my advocate."

"That seems interesting. But Paul? I hope that everything goes well with you wanting to be a heel."

I looked down at Ashley and gazed upon her beautiful eyes, gently pressing my lips onto hers.

"It will be."

Awhile later, the go-home show to SmackDown before SummerSlam had already came and went. Today was finally the day of SummerSlam. I haven't been this excited to return to the ring for a very long time and it was finally time for me to end the show with my return. Thankfully, Shane told me a week before that the creative team didn't mind me returning at the last few minutes after the main event between The Fiend and Braun Strowman.

During the time I was watching the pay-per-view on the screen in my locker-room, I heard my door beginning to creak open and it was Ambrose. I haven't seen him in awhile since he left the WWE to start his career in AEW as Jon Moxley. It was a surprise to see him again for the first time in months.

"Hey, buddy."


"Making the big return tonight?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah. It's been an entire year since I've competed. Though I don't have a match, I get to make my shocking return after the main event."

"You're going to do amazing out there, Rome." Ambrose paused. "Hey, how's Ashley and Loto? It's been awhile since I've seen them."

"They're doing great. My son's already growing more and more everyday."

"Someday he's going to be just like his daddy."

I chuckled, "I hope so. I'd love to see him follow in my legacy someday."

"Honestly, I can see that happening, Rome. Lori looks a lot like you and there's no doubt there."

We continued to talk for awhile before my match. However, it felt refreshing to speak to Ambrose for the first time in awhile. We held a conversation together whilst watching the show together in my locker-room. He and Renee were finally married and his career in AEW was outstanding over the past year.

Soon, the time was approaching and it was almost time for me to make my shocking return to the WWE for the first time in a year.

Nobody knew that I was making my return to the ring. I was more determined to make myself known as a dominant heel in the business by taking out both Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman all at once.

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