Chapter 13) Clash of Champions

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After a couple of weeks have came and went, it was finally the day of Clash of Champions. This was the first feud I've ever had against my bloodline and this was going to be an exciting match between us. When the bell began to ring after Jey and I stepped inside of the ring, I kept my eyes locked onto him and had to remain in character throughout the entire match between us.
I stood in front of my cousin and shown him that I was the one who ran this show. Jey felt defeated as he proceeded to charge towards me. 
"Trying to get this payday?" I laughed.
I ran towards him with a clothesline and knocked him down. Then, I lifted him up and placed him against the ropes with his neck laying against it.
"What did I tell you, huh? I told you, Uce."
Paul began to speak from a distance and I continued to ignore him.
"You're gonna get down here and take this ass beating!"
Minutes passed and we were outside of the ring and standing near the announce table. Corey Graves and Michael Cole backed away as they watched me clearing the table. I grabbed the back of Jey's head and slammed his forehead against the table. I ran back inside of the ring and I tried to put my cousin in an arm-bar until he reversed it.
"This is that ass whooping that I was talking about."
I underestimated my cousin. He was one hell of a competitor and facing him one-on-one was a challenge. We stepped back outside of the ring and I knocked him down once more with punches.
"There's levels to this. I told you. This isn't your fault."
I kept throwing slaps and punches towards my cousin and his body faced against the ring post. His back was beginning to hurt as his back was causing him some discomfort. Jey managed to stand on his own two feet and landed a chop to my chest, leaving me in pain.
I ran towards Jey with a running clothesline onto the ring post once again.
"You wanna be champion? You better learn from this experience, Uce!"
Jey stood on the final rope and kicked me in the face when I charged towards him. I fell backwards and felt him approach me from behind and shove me to the ring post. The match continued as he attempted to mock me. He hit me with an overpass and tried to get the pinfall. Thankfully, I kicked out at two. 
I began performing some new movesets throughout the match. I was beginning to get frustrated with my cousin not ending the match any sooner. I had better things to worry about than a match with my cousin. 
Jey tried to get the pinfall on me and my forearm gave him the low-blow as he fell to his knees and struggled to get up.
"Yeah, I told you to take your payday. I told you to lay down! Huh? Yeah. Acknowledge me."
I moved the hair from my face.
"Acknowledge me as your Tribal Chief, Uce! Do it now!" I grabbed his face with anger and demanded him to give up. "Do it now! Do it now!" I shouted.
Jey was defenseless on the canvas and I picked him up and forced his face to look into the camera while the cameraman zoomed in closer to our faces. 
"You can tell the whole world that I'm the best out of the entire bloodline. Do you see my camera? Look into the camera. This is my camera! Everyone, you tell them. This is my WWE. Tell the whole world now!"
Jey replied, "Not today!" 
Paul interrupted our match and began to shout with his arms in the air. "You are my Universal Champion! You are my Tribal Chief!"
"That is how this works around here. You hear me? I need you to give up!"
I began throwing my forearms into Jey's face repeatedly until I heard him beginning to cough from exhaustion and hearing the referee, Charles Robinson, demanding me to stop. I walked up and got into his face with my eyebrows furrowed and a nasty look on my face. 
"You shut your mouth and let me go to work." I said with my hands forming into a fist that sent goose bumps around his arms from freight. 
"Acknowledge me!" I shouted towards my cousin as I kept punching him in the face without a care in the world. 
"Come on. Listen to me! Our whole family's watching right now! Our whole family wants you to acknowledge me."
Suddenly, my other cousin, Jimmy, ran out to the ring and grabbed his brother's hand. His left hand contained a small white towel that meant the sign of defeat. 
"I'm throwing this in, Uce! We're done, Uce."
"You tell them right now who the Tribal Chief is!"
"Forget this fool!" Jimmy shouted.
"Don't listen to him!" I shouted back at Jey and glared over at Jimmy.
"I'm throwing this in, man!" 
Jimmy pitied his brother after watching me whipping his ass back and forth across the ring in front of the whole world. He threw in the towel after watching me throw punches and forearms into Jey once more and shouted, "Ring the bell!" 
The bell rang and the match was over with.  
"That's enough, man!" Jimmy said, "You got it, man!" Jimmy cried, holding his brother's head up with his hand and tears in his eyes. 
I moved the hair from my face with a smile as I threw the Universal Championship onto my shoulder.
"That's what you want? You got it, man. Just leave him alone!"
Paul stepped into the ring and placed the red lei around my neck and I threw my arms up in victory as I stared down at my two cousins who were defeated. Leaving the ring and heading backstage, everyone praised us for the incredible storytelling that we shared in the ring. 


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