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i just reread these chapters and i wanna kms theyre so bad.


"Huh?" I muttered under my breath as Jacqueline walked away. I was so confused, what did Diana Britt have to do with our break up? When she called I hung up feeling pretty rotten. I mean, first I'm stranded at some drive in and next I'm broken up with. Then when I get an answer to why she broke up with me it's a pretty damn vague one. I sighed and went the other direction from where she was walking, towards the side exit of the school.


"Maybe she lost interest man," Dallas said, I'd told him what happened and asked what he thought about it. I couldn't believe I was asking him for advice, but he was the only one I'd told about her true identity. Johnny knew of her, I talked about her to him, but he didn't know she was black.

"Really?" I asked, he shrugged.

"I dunno man you said she had that friend, the guy one. Maybe she has feelings for him and doesn't wanna lead ya on." I shook my head, biting the inside of my cheek.

"I doubt it, she was tellin' me how she's happy that he found a new girl to like. She sounded real sincere." I said turning to look at him. He nodded,

"Well do you still wanna be with her man?" I shrugged nodding.

"I mean...yeah, I guess so." he chuckled, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets.

"You would be the type to be hung up on some broad." I rolled my eyes,

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, he shrugged.

"Nothin' man, nothin' at all." he said sarcastically. I decided to drop it, Dallas was rude. Nothing new.

"Well what should I do?"

"I don't know make a gesture or somethin' chicks love that." I nodded,

"Like what?"

"Look, I dunno man buy her flowers or something." Flowers, okay, I could do that. But I could probably do something better.


I laughed with YingFei at lunch time, Susan and Dustin were debating whether or not Mrs.Hammond was pregnant.

"You have to be fat to be pregnant genius." Susan said with an unimpressed face. He rolled his eyes,

"That's not true what if she's early. No non-pregnant woman eats pickles and yogurt during class." he countered, she looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Dustin's right, she could just be experiencing cravings early!" YingFei piped in. Susan rolled her eyes.

"This isn't fair, he's your boyfriend." she groaned and YingFei went pink in the ears.

"We're not dating." she muttered and Susan and I both laughed even harder.


"You wanna go to the rodeo tomorrow?" Shawn asked Vanessa and I. For once we weren't arguing and we were hanging out in Vanessa's room listening to Can't Buy Me Love on her Beatles Beat album. Vanessa shrugged,

"What time? I gotta date with Matt tomorrow." she asked, I looked over at her strange.

"I thought you were goin' out with Tommy."

"Can a girl not go on a date with more than one boy now?" she snipped defensively, I decided that wasn't a battle I wanted to fight especially since we were getting along. (Besides, it wasn't surprising she had another boy wanting to take her out, I hate to admit it but sometimes I feel as if she's prettier than me.) I shook my head,

"Nah I was just wonderin'." she nodded,

"They're barrel racing at 3, that's the only interesting event." I nodded in agreement, rodeo's were fun and all, but only for the atmosphere. It was kind of like baseball games, there's a bunch of snacks and talking, but ultimately boring especially since I don't like baseball.

"Yeah I'll come."

"Yeah me too, Matt's not pickin' me up 'till 7."

authors note:
not this chapter being 600 words, chile anyways. uhm i just need to get this out for the next chapter which'll be way more interesting i swear

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