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𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬—𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭

[August 27, 1992]

Dahlia Evans brushed her teeth next to her foster sister, Julianna Wilson. At the end of the school year, the Ministry of Magic had transferred her and Oliver away from Sunny Day to a magical orphanage. Oliver hadn't been transferred when he was eleven because he'd wanted to stay with Dahlia. How sweet.

Dahlia had been put with a foster family, and she was happy. They were loving and fun and Dahlia could see herself with them long-term. It also turned out that the Ministry had put her with them because Julie was muggleborn and she was starting Hogwarts this year, and the Wilsons needed to be eased into it.

She'd explained she couldn't use magic at the house since she was Traced—and underage magic was against the law.

She had been living with them for three months now and they were the best three months of her life. Aside from school, that is. As a way to be part of the family, April and her foster dad Richard had enrolled her in martial arts. She had advanced very quickly, thanks to her magical combat lessons with Minnie, and was now a blue belt.

Julie had also enrolled, and while she hadn't advanced as quickly, she was enjoying it and both she and Dahlia had grown close. She was grateful to have lucked out this time. The eighth time was the charm.

Julie was eager and loyal and kind and Dahlia couldn't help comparing her to Hermione, her brainy, fierce, loving friend. She thought Julie could easily be a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw but she was secretly hoping for Gryffindor so they could be together. Julie was, very, very excited.

Julie spat in the sink, wiping her mouth. "So what did you get on the exams?" Dahlia quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Why do want to know that?" Julie shrugged.

"I need to know what to beat." Dahlia raised her eyebrows playfully.

"Beat, huh? Well, I got O's in Potions, Herbology, Astronomy and Flying, and A's in Transfiguration, Defence, Charms and History of Magic. Beat that," she smirked as she put her toothbrush away.

"Challenge accepted, Lia." Julie laughed, but Dahlia said nothing. "What's wrong?" Julie asked worriedly. Dahlia smiled. She didn't mind her foster sister calling her Lia for some reason.

"Nothing. Hey, I have something to tell your parents." Julie frowned.

"Our parents," she said gently. Dahlia grinned, trying not to show her self-consciousness.

"Come on. It's kind of big, and I could get in serious trouble if the Ministry finds out." Today she was going to tell the Wilsons about Ares. She had intentionally waited until the last minute so she could enjoy staying with the Wilsons until they sent her back. And staying inside was driving her wolf companion crazy. She had to tell them sooner rather than later.

"What is it?" asked Julie. "You forgot to clean Salem's cage again?" Her foster parents had two rules for her: don't go off with strangers and no owl droppings on the floor. She had violated the owl droppings rule once, and Richard's scream was not pretty.

"I'll tell it to you together during breakfast, I'm too lazy to explain multiple times." Julie rolled her eyes at her but obliged. They ran down the stairs together and entered the kitchen, where April and Richard were at the table.

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