Babies Dont Play With Sharp Things

Start from the beginning

Lucifer nods as he shoves his fingers in his mouth. 

"No fingers Lulu, where's your binky?" Gabe asks looking around for one of many pacifiers he had stashed. 

Lucifer shrugs innocently. Gabriel rolls his eyes jokingly, "you gotta stop losing them kiddo. You won't have any left." He grabs one that had just been washed and pops it into Lucifer's mouth. 

Lucifer just kicks his feet happily as Gabriel carries him to his room, "alright be good ok? If you need anything call for me or Cassy."

Gabriel sets Lucifer down near the massive toy box and leaves the room, leaving the door opened slightly, knowing Lucifer wasn't too fond of closed off spaces. 

Lucifer plays for all of, maybe, twenty minutes before he sneaks out of his room. He was bored again and wanted to explore. He knew Gabriel and Sam had a rule for being alone, but he couldn't quite remember what the rule was. 

The Archangel wanders the bunker looking for something fun to do. Seeing as the bunker was a fairly large place, there was a lot he hadn't seen and a lot he wasn't allowed to see. Lucifer goes by room after room until he stops and enters one that caught his attention. 

The weapons room. It had all sorts of shiny things in there. Lots of swords, knives, machetes, guns, even a grenade launcher. Lucifer, being as little as he was, loved shiny things. He toddles over to the knives and blades and clumsily grabs an angel blade.

Lucifer falls onto his diapered bottom as he holds the angel blade. It was so shiny. Shiny things were something to play with, right? He was admiring it when the door flies open, startling him to where he drops the blade. He tried to catch it but the blade itself leaves a fairly large cut across his palm and leaves a medium size cut on his leg. 

Lucifer whimpers and starts to cry as the cuts start to bleed. While it was only an angel blade and couldn't do significant damage, it still hurts and scared him. 

"Lucifer? What are you doing in here?" Cas comes up from behind, "what's wrong, what happened?"

Lucifer cries more, thinking that he was in trouble. He points to the blade, "sh-shi-shiny.."

Cas frowns, "are you hurt?" He already knew the answer though, "let me see please."

Lucifer whimpers as he holds out his shaking hand and lets Cas see both his keg and his hand. 

"Let's go find Gabriel." Castiel picks Lucifer up, being gentle not to hurt him, more than he already was. 

Lucifer cries into Cas's chest, saying sorry over and over again.

Cas rubs Lucifer's back as he searches for Gabriel. He was never the best at comforting anyone. 

Just as Cas was about to turn a corner, Gabriel comes running around it, "thank dad you found him!" 

Cas hands Lucifer to Gabriel and sighs, "you're right."

Gabriel holds Lucifer close, "I know." He flies/teleports to the nearest, clean, bathroom and sets Lucifer on the counter, "can I see where it hurts Luca?"

Lucifer shakes his head and tries to hide the cuts. 

Gabriel frowns, "Luci I can't help you if you don't let me see."

Again, Lucifer shakes his head, his cries had calmed down to sniffles and whimpers, but he was trying not to cry anymore. 

"Why not bud? Dont you wanna feel better?" Gabriel asks softly. 

"N-no be m-ma-ad?" The young minded angel asks shakily. 

"Of course not Luci." He says soothingly. 

Lucifer hesitates but shows Gabriel the cuts on his hand and leg. Gabriel's heart ached, the cut on his hand was pretty deep. He was just thankful that Lucifer hadn't gotten a hold of an Archangel blade. Castiel comes back with Lucifer's favorite fox plushy, Ziggy, and a matching fox pacifier. He knew that Lucifer would want both to keep him calm. 

"Ok bud, we're gonna have to wash your cuts ok? It's gonna sting a little, but we don't want it to get worse right?" Gabriel says slowly. 

Lucifer whimpers and shakes his head, "n-no.. No ouchies.."

"Lulu it's only gonna hurt for a couple seconds, I promise. But we have to get it cleaned up." He wipes away his brothers tears, "if you can be brave, we can snuggle and have ice cream after ok?"

Lucifer sniffles, "a-an movie?"

Gabriel nods, "whatever movie you want."

Lucifer nods slowly and Cas hands Ziggy to Lucifer, giving him his pacifier as well as Gabriel starts to clean up the wounds. 

Once the cuts were cleaned and wrapped, Gabriel picks Lucifer up and holds him close, "this is why baby angels don't play with sharp things." He says softly. 

Lucifer sniffles and yawns, curling into Gabe, falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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