Chapter 27 - Spying on a spy

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Two weeks later

Third person POV

Sofia was getting ready to go to onto the yacht with the fake bombs and dynamite. Hugo silently crept onto the yacht. Sofia was tired as hell because she's been up working on the coding and whatnot. Cassandra and Michael planned ahead and got a gang full of men prepared to ambush them later. They were on the yacht and having food.

Sofia's POV

I was having some food when Cassandra sat down opposite me.

She smirked as she kept her arms crossed, "You know I'm happy you broke up with Hugo."

I stuttered nervously as I put my fork down as I knew we faked the break up, "W-why?" "W-what makes you say that?"

She smiled evilly at me, "Oh just you're like any another girl Hugo dated in the past." "You think you might be different from them but Hugo's one of the popular ones and he had a lot of girlfriends before you."

My voice croaked as if I was about cry, "I should get ready for bed now."

I was going to my bedroom well my yacht bedroom until I bumped into Hugo since he was still on the plan we had to figure out Cassandra and Michael's real plan and our mission.

He asked in concern, "Hey what's wrong?"

I couldn't look him in the eyes. We went to the end of the corridor where there was wall, we slid down and I just broke down because what if Cassandra were right? Of course I know we faked our break up but what if she's right?

He held me close as I cried.

As I stopped crying, he asked finally as he still held me close, "Okay what's wrong?"

I looked up and asked, "Am I really like every other girl you dated in the past?"

Hugo's POV

She looked up and asked, "Am I really like every other girl you dated in the past?"

I was shocked, she asked that. I caught her looking down. And I saw how glassy her eyes were.

I scoop her chin up and said softly, "You don't know what I felt when I first met you."

I kissed her and I started to shiver at her touch as my hands got tangled in her auburn hair. We started to make out for about 10 minutes.

After we kissed and make out. She said softly, "You really mean what you said."

I nodded as she rested her head on my shoulder. All of sudden we heard the floor creak and we rose and we put our spy glasses on so we can listen to the conversation.

It was Cassandra and Michael.

We heard Cassandra saying, "So do you think Sofia knows the plan?"

We heard Michael replying, "No but she's knows we're on this yacht." "She doesn't know that the bombs and dynamite are fake."

Hearing this we're shocked. Sofia looked like she was going to faint any second. And she looked tired as hell.

I whispered in her ear, "Hey you okay?"

She nodded quietly and continued to listen to the conversation.

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