"Okay I get that it was a huge shock to you and I can only imagine, but why couldn't you tell me the truth about why you went?" I raise my eyebrow and he looks down again playing with my fingers.

"A man contacted me and said if I speak up about the firm and the illegal drug smuggling they'll kill the only person I care about and I knew they were talking about you, baby." He has a tear in his eye and I wipe it off.

"Oh." I say and he swallows, "I assume the person was Dean Saunders?" I say and he nods, confirming my suspicion.

"Aldus is actually a lawyer and the Saunders family is the owner of Pheonix, the ships where all the drug smuggling happens. I had my dad's men try to find him but they were struggling for weeks."

"So that's where the Pheo came from?" I ask and he nods, "So how does Brad fit into this? I understand it's the Dean's, I mean Aldus's nephew but how did you not pick that up?" I shrug.

"At first I just hated him because he took you from me but then things just started becoming off with him and he was just too perfect and too clingy. One of my dads men investigated a bit and said it was odd that his apartment was already fixed but he stayed longer with you." My eyes widen and I remember he said that they might be taking longer than usual but I didn't read too much into it. I motion him to continue, "So from there I had my suspicions about him, and you postponing Australia gave us more time to figure out what his end game was and who he really was. The night you were drunk and said Brad Saunders the surname clicked and things started to vaguely come together but they're a well-protected family. Anyways, the night you guys went out and Jane messaged the wrong person and Brad said Pheo and I put the pieces together and it just confirmed who I thought he was.

"Then why couldn't you tell me Nick? If I knew I would never even have cons-."

"Its not that simple Liv. They threatened to kill you and Brad knew your schedule and it was so easy for him to get access to you, I didn't know what to do anymore. I thought me kissing you and trying to make you fall inlove with me again would help but you're so damn stubborn." He rolls his eyes and I do the same.

"If he threatened to kill me then why did he break up with me the day before we were suppose to go to Australia? And why did he help you guys in the end?"

"He states that he really fell in love with you and he couldn't go through with it." He stared into my eyes and clenches his jaw. I sink back into the chair and I try to process it.

"He lied though. When I spoke to hi-."

"Wait you spoke to him?" I sit back up.

"Yeah. After he said he loved you he asked for a position in Rhodes Incorporated since he 'switched sides and protected you' and I punched him in the face." He smirks a little and I frown.

"Wow what a piece of work." I roll my eyes, "So he really was just using me as bait?" I frown and Nick looks at me.

"I'm sorry Liv." He whispers.

"Okay, so how did you and Aiden find me at the airport?" I frown.

"So I started speaking to Aiden the night the Pheo thing happened and he also said something seems off with him and we both spoke and he agreed to also try and convince you not to go and we started working together to also figure it all out."

"Wait, so Aiden also knows?"


"Okay, continue." I motion to him.

"Anyways so we thought him also convincing you to stay will have an impact and to be honest Brad breaking up with you over text was quite shocking. The original plan was to take the same plane out or one before you that but then you weren't going to go anymore. After Aiden left the night before, I texted him the time your flight was supposed to be and he and one of my dad's men hacked into the system and he saw the tickets were booked from Princeton to LAX to O.R Tambo International Airport which is Johannesburg, South Africa's Airport. We decided it will be easier to sort this out at the airport before they leave but I needed to inform the police as well that's why I left early that morning.

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