I was always there for him

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<A month later>
It had been a month since the accident and Ant was still in a coma. During that time, Dec, Anne-Marie, Christine and rest of the family had not stop visiting him. Dec, Ali and Isla have been staying at Anne's whilst Anne Marie been staying at Christine's. Everyone was missing Ant but as for Dec, he was missing Ant badly and was starting to lose hope on waiting for Ant to wake up.
<current day>
[Anne's house]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a quiet morning in Anne's house. Dec was still in bed sleeping, Anne went out with Moyra and Camila to get some shopping, Ali was in the living room with Isla and Rocky.
<few minutes later>
[In the living room]
Whilst Isla was watching cartoons, Ali was looking through some old pictures of Ant and Dec. Just then, Dec came in, wearing plain grey button shirt and light green jeans and had a tired look on his face.
"Morning love, how are you?" Ali kindly asked.
"I'm good, still a bit tired. Where's Mam?" Dec asked as he sat next to his wife.
"She went out to do some shopping with Moyra and Camila." Ali kindly replied.
"Oh ok then.", replied Dec.
As soon as Dec made himself comfortable, he heard a familiar toon which was.
"Engie Bengie, engine mad. Engie Bengie, Jollop and Dan."
Dec looked at the telly and was surprised saw his young daughter watching Engie Bengie. Ali began laughing and then said.
"Sorry darling, your Mam got her into it."
Dec did nothing but smile and started to laugh himself. He then put his arm over Ali and happily said.
"It's alright love, I'm ok with it. Isla was bound to find out about sooner than later."
Dec then noticed the pictures of him and Ant on Ali's lap. Ali saw him staring, she quickly started saying.
"Sorry love, I just having a look."
"It's ok Ali.", Dec then said, "I don't mind, honestly."
Ali then let out a sigh of relief, gave Dec a kiss and carried on looking through the photos whilst Dec went to the kitchen to get a cup of tea for them both.
As soon as Dec came back, he noticed Ali smiling at a photo of him and Ant in their football shirts with Dec's father.
"You both look to cute in this photo. How old were you?" Ali asked Dec as he sat back down next to her.
"We were both 15 years old. I invited Ant over on to watch the football with me and Dad since we couldn't get tickets." Dec happily replied.
Ali laughed and found another photo of Dec and Ant on top of Fonesy on sofa with silly grins in their faces.
"What on earth are you and Ant doing to your poor Dad in this photo?" Ali asked whilst laughing.
"We made him jump. Ant was staying for a sleepover and was feeling a bit down because he felt a bit left out about not having a close relationship with his Dad like I had with my Dad. So Mam, Dad and I decided since me and Ant was beginning to become quite close, that we make Ant part of the family. We all play silly games and I decided that we should sneak up on my Dad and Ant agreed to it, so the two of us decided we should hide behind the sofa and we did. When Dad came in and sat down, we both counted to three and then jumped on top of my Dad and screaming Surprise at him. Mam then came in, wanting to know what the noise was and found the three of us laughing at each other. She found it so funny that she took the photo of it." Dec explained whilst smiling and starting to laugh as well.
After Dec and Ali stopped laughing, it then Ali happily said.
"If there one thing I love about you pair is that you're always there for each no matter what."
"It's the way we've always been since we were doing Byker Grove. Even though, we had other friends, especially Ant since he had friends from where he lived, we've there for each other during and after we did Byker Grove when we were 17." Dec proudly replied.
"I know and I knew what I was letting my self in for when I became your manager and more importantly your wife." Ali stated to her husband.
Dec smiled but then sighed. It was then Ali suggestively said.
"Hey, I was thinking. Why don't you go and see Christine today? She's on her own and I think it will do the two of you good on seeing each other."
Dec thought to himself for a minute. After thinking to himself, he then hesitantly said.
"You sure though I should see her Ali? What about you and Isla?"
"Yes I'm sure.", Ali interrupted, "Christine missing Ant and so are you. If you go and visit her, it will do the two of you good and I think it will make Ant happy knowing you and Christine were there for each just like how you're there for him."
After listening to what his wife was saying, Dec knew she was right so he leaned in and gave her a kiss on the side of her head and gently said.
"Ok you win, I'll go and see her."
"Good and don't worry about me and Isla. We're going out with your Mam later." Ali reassuringly said.
"Ok, see you later." Dec then said.
After kissing both his girls, Dec then put his jacket on, grabbed his keys and headed out of door. Once he got into his car, he then headed towards Christine's house.

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