Chapter 16

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Kazan jumps and falls off the couch.

"l/n!" He yelps from the floor.

"Excuse me?" I raise and eyebrow at him.

"I mean Mistress! Sorry! You scared me!" He's clutching his chest as he stands up.

"I thought you were expecting me." I coyly respond.

"It had been so long, I was giving up hope. You look positively delicious, by the way." A slow smile spreads across his face as he slowly looks me up and down.

"Thank you. We have a few things to discuss first." I move to sit at his table and pull out some papers from my bag.

"Like what?" His smile falls and he draws his eyebrows together.

"Ground rules and a non disclosure agreement." I meet his gaze as he sits down.

"Are you serious?" He looks a little confused and slightly panicked.

"I told you on the roof. We do this my way or not at all. These documents protect both of us. The non disclosure protects both of us from gossip at work and potential harassment charges. The second protects you from either of us getting carried away and doing something you regret later." I grab a pen from my bag. "There's two copies of each document. One for me and one for you to keep. I'll take a picture and send it off to my lawyer before we do anything."

"This all seems a little extreme." He sits back in his seat.

"Are you rethinking this?" I ask.

"I think I'm just a little nervous. I'm going to get a drink." He starts to stand up but I grab his wrist.

"Not until after we get these papers signed. You need to be completely sober and thinking clearly as you fill them out." I give him a soft smile to try to calm his nerves a little.

"okay." He sits back down and I pat the back of his hand.

"Non disclosure agreement first. This is a standard document, but you still need to thoroughly read through and make sure you understand the terms before signing it." I sign and slide a copy over to him before signing the second paper.

He takes his time and reads the page before signing it and sliding it back to me. He signs the other copy to keep.

"Now we're onto the rules of play. Basically this tells me what you deem as off limits and lets you pick a safe word if you don't like the ones provided. I will only do the things on this paper, anything not on this paper is already off the table. This document also reiterates in the first paragraph that this is a one time thing. No repeat performances. No replays. No second chances. When I leave this apartment, there won't even be any teasing. You'll no longer be my pet, and I will no longer be your Mistress. We'll still see each other at work, and we can still talk as acquaintances, co workers and tenants of the same building, but that's it." I make sure to speak very clearly and concisely.

"Why can't this happen again?" Kazan questions.

"It's just how I am." I say. He nods looking a little confused but signs under the first paragraph acknowledging and agreeing to the terms.

He carefully reads through the rest of the items, marking what he agrees to. He doesn't mark anything as off limits.

"Pretty bold to keep everything on the table." I raise my eyebrows at him.

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