Chapter 15

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Everyone is already at Ground Beta when I finally get there.

"Ms. l/n! Thank you for joining us!" All Might booms from the front of the class. "So now that you have the scenario and are in your groups, are there any final questions before we begin?"

"Yes, I have a question." Iida raises his hand stiffly. "Ms. l/n, why are you not in your hero costume? I believe it is against U.A. protocol for any persons to be on the training grounds out of the proper attire."

"Ms. l/n has an exemption for dress code due to her position here as a combat instructor." All Might tries to cover for me.

"Actually, I don't wear a hero costume anymore. I've retired my pro hero title. I maintain my license so I can teach, but I don't actively engage in hero work past my patrols for the school." I tell the group. I don't need a lie that makes it seems like I get special treatment.

"Oh. Understandable, Ms. l/n." Iida's stiff arms move around awkwardly.

"If there are no other questions, let's begin!" All Might exclaims.

The first fight is pretty violent, Midoriya gets injured and has to be taken to the infirmary. Bakugo has a pretty crazed look as he walks into the observation room. Every so often he mutters to himself.

All Might talks to the remaining students in the room to have them evaluate what they just watched.

"I can't believe I got beat by damn Deku." Bakugo is leaning against the far wall, looking at the floor, not really paying attention to the screens as his fellow students battle.

"There's no shame in losing, just learn from it for next time." I lean against the wall next to him, keeping my eyes on the screens.

"Tch. You don't get it." He crosses his arms.

"Explain it to me. You have a very powerful and versatile quirk that will help you be a great hero one day, but all this anger will cripple you if you don't learn how to use it properly. What are you so angry about?" I sneak a glance at him from the corner of my eye.

"I'm going to be the number one hero one day." He tells me through clenched teeth.

"And that makes you angry?" I fully turn my head to ask him.

He scoffs and looks away from me.

"It's ok if you don't want to talk about it now, just think about what I said. Whenever you do decide to talk about it, I'm all ears. No judgement, no advice unless you ask for it, and it'll stay between us." I promise.

"Why do you want to talk about it?" He looks back at me with narrow eyes, but his voice is softer now.

"I was an angry teen that became an angry adult and I did a lot of damage to myself and others before I figured out how to manage it." I match his tone.

He just gives me a small nod and turns back to the screens. I take that as my cue to leave it alone for now and move next to All Might.

"Everything alright?" All Might whispers to me.

"I think it will be." I respond.

I keep diligent notes of the students' fighting style and their quirk use through the rest of the battles. Iida is very excited to receive my notes about his fight and I tell him not to get too excited since there's not much I could evaluate him on. He seems a little dejected, but still in high spirits.

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