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Dylan awoke startled.

Her phone ringing the tune of Californiacation.

She sprawled over and hit the accept button not bothering to open her eyes to ready the name.

"Dylan? Dylan, are you there?"

Embarrassment struck her. George had just called her.

She stuttered for a moment. "Yes! I'm here! Hey! Sorry I've been um busy." She lied through her teeth and George only laughed asking how her sleep had been.

She sighed before telling him of her strange dream of ice skating with a stranger. They continued chatting about their dreams before George gained the courage to ask her a question.

"Would you like to hang out today? We could go to lunch and walk around the pier.... if you'd like to?"

His nervousness made the girl blush. Dylan had never had a guy ask her to go do something as simple as hang out with them. It felt foreign but nice.

She quickly accepted his invitation and told him to meet her at Wake Up Cafe at 12. They hung up and she got a sudden urge to call him again. She liked the way he said her name and the way his accent wasn't far from her own.

Getting ready, she realized her hair was matted down and took a quick shower. Changing into a black jumper and skinny jeans she grabbed her room keys and locked the door before heading downstairs.

"Morning Finn." She chirped. "Don't wait up for me, I'm going to be out for a little while."

The man took one glance at her before reminding her of the pepper spray in her purse incase she needs it.

She giggled and told him she wouldn't need it as she walked out the door. The air was chilly and small snowflakes fell. The sidewalks were frozen over and hard to walk on, causing most people to slip.

Getting to the cafe she got into line to order a drink as she noticed George hadn't arrived yet. Ordering her drink she also ordered him a small cold brew with vanilla flavor.

Grabbing both drinks she sat and waited patiently for him to arrive. Around 12:10 he walked through the door covered in ice.

He walked up to her stammering. "I I'm sorry I slipped and fell near the corner and I couldn't get back up and I fell on my ass and didn't know what to do—" he continued stuttering his way through sentences.

Dylan placed her hand over his mouth causing them both to blush and George to quiet down.

"It's ok. I'm glad you're alright though." She laughed. "I ordered you a coffee. I hope you didn't mind I got you what you got the last two times."

George's blush reddened. The simple act of her shushing him had made his face warm. Thanking her he tried to hide his blush but noticed the slightest bit of blush on her cheeks. He then zoned out, her pale skin compared to her black jumper was beautiful. It was as if Snow White had blessed her. He noticed her freckles and red cheeks. The way one of her eyebrows was more arched then the other.

Lastly, he noticed her beautiful eyes. A gorgeous blue color that made him sigh. He adored her. He did more than adore her. He liked her as more than just some friend he had barely met. He was prepared to give her the best night of her life.

"George? Georrrrrge?" Snapping her fingers in his face he finally came back to the real world. He laughed nervously and apologized before suggesting they get going.

They exited the cafe and made their way to a small sea side restaurant cover in flowers and vines. The inside was lovely as jazz music played from the speakers and the fireplace warmed their noses.

"This is lovely George. It's so pretty." She caressed a rose growing off near the window. George had never had the urge to say something as quick as he did.

"Not as pretty as you!" He sputtered.

They sat down with Dylan smiling.

The lunch was delicious. The company was by far her favorite addition to it though. They spent about an hour asking questions and just chatting before leaving the restaurant.

The pier was a short walk from there and George was worried the girl was too cold and offered her the hoodie he had been wearing over a long sleeve T-shirt and another hoodie.

She gladly accepted it and pulled it over her head as it almost reached her knees. She noticed the logo said "Moo Moo Meadows" and thought to ask him about it later.

Getting to the waters edge George began walking along the side and leading her towards the fair area.

Pulling her into an arcade he wanted to impress her even the slightest.

"Pick an animal and I will win you that one." He spoke as they neared a darts game. She pointed towards a medium sized cat plushie which reminded George of his friend Clays cat.

So there George was, throwing dart after dart trying to at least hit five of them. Finally, after $10 and lot of groans George was handed the cat before he handed it on to Dylan.

Her smile brightened his entire world. The pac-man noises suddenly weren't annoying anymore. Kids screaming around him didn't bother him and the girl in front of him made his heat melt.

He knew, he was falling hard and he could only with that the girl felt the same.

Dylan knew that he made her feel happier then she could ever hope and didn't ever want that feeling to leave.

(948 words)

Eek, love💕❤️

Baby blue (GeogeNotFound x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz