Chapter 13

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I don't know how long I sat in the cold alley crying.
What Jordan had said hadn't hurt me. It just shocked me. I hadn't thought that my actions would hurt him that much.

'You're the one friend I've spoken to in 13 months.'

What did that mean? There's no way Jordan had no friends. He seemed like the kind of guy who was popular and had a different girl hanging off his arm each day of the week. His personality was an attractive magnet, you couldn't help get drawn in by him. So why has he distanced himself from so many people? Sure his clothes weren't the nicest, but that should be an unimportant factor in making friends. Right?

Eventually I pulled myself from the floor and dusted myself off. I was late for my first lecture but I'll be able to make the second if I ran fast enough.


I made the lecture with two minutes to spare. No one noticed that I was not present previously but I paid no mind. All I could think about was my run in with Jordan this morning.
Despite us having an argument, I wanted to spend more time with him. I could tell he would be a good friend, despite having a short temper.

"Jordan... please." I begged.
"Tell me what it is you want sweetheart." He whispered into my ear from behind me, and I watched his hands wandering my body in the mirror as he repeatedly kissed my shoulder. I couldn't look away. He'd purposely placed us here, teasing me with his seductive movements. This was damn hot.
"Please!" I felt Jordan's hand dip under my shirt and over my stomach. "Kiss me." 
And he did.
It was the most amazing kiss I'd experienced. My knees turned to jelly and my stomach to butterflies. When we pulled apart, I had the biggest smile on my face and I barely waited to kiss him again.

"Elijah. Can you answer the question please."
"Umm." What were we learning about? Something about secrets and mistakes?
The person sat next to me pushed a scrap of paper towards me. Freudian slip. "Freudian slip?"
"That's correct. Please play more attention in future."

So it turns out going cold turkey doesn't work when it comes to the god that is Jordan. My feelings wouldn't just die like I wanted them to. I would just have to live with them, hoping, praying, that they don't show whenever Andy is around. That would not end well.

After lesson I made my way to the cafe to get a strong coffee. I was exhausted from the emotional turmoil my brain was putting me through.
And that argument with Jordan didn't help.
"A double espresso please."

I looked at my phone whilst waiting for my order. I'm sorry.

Guilt pooled in my stomach. He didn't do anything wrong. This was my fault.
Waiting for the sound of Jordan's voice was agony. I needed to apologise. Please pick up.
And in the end, he didn't even pick up. It went to voicemail- Jordan's gruff voice telling me to leave a message.

"Double espresso for Elijah?" The lady behind the counter passed me my drink and I downed it in one. The smell hardly registered before the cup was empty.
"Thanks. Keep the change." I placed £5 on the counter and left the building to go home.

Kayla was going to have a field day with this! First the argument and then I'd fantasised kissing Jordan. Again.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I was quick to answer it.

"Hey, Elijah? It's Jordan. I need you to come to the police station. I've been arrested."

The Rioter (gay romance) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang