Chapter 9

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Me and Andy spent the night kissing and cuddling in my bed. He was brilliant, always putting me first. And I loved him for that. That, and I couldn't get enough of his affection. He'd kiss me no matter where we were and he'd hug me all day if he could.
"God Eli. You're so cute."
I was currently snuggled into Andy's side as he rubbed my bare back under the covers. I was giggling at some post on my phone about pizza. Andy couldn't help but smile at my childish immaturity.
"You're cute too. But that stubble makes you hot." I shifted so that I was straddling his waist, brushing my fingers across his jaw. The bedding slid off my back down to my hips.
"Does it now? I guess you'll have to steal my razor."
"That I will." I kissed him on the cheek before rolling off the bed and padding towards the door.
"Where you off?" Andy followed me like a puppy.
"To get some food. I'm hungry."
"You're always hungry!" He laughed before chucking my pyjamas at me. "Put some clothes on before you leave this room. I don't want Kayla seeing what's mine." I did so, shaking my head at Andy's possessiveness.
"Same goes for you mister. It's probably okay for me to parade round my flat naked, but you... I don't think Kayla would appreciate it."
"What you saying? I have a hot bod."
"That you do." I turned around to kiss my boyfriend. It was times like these, where we were laughing and joking which reminded me why I fell for him in the first place.

I never ended up going for food. Me and Andy spent the next hour kissing before he had to leave. He was visiting his mum in Derbyshire today. It was going to be a bit of a long journey for him, but it's worth it- Derbyshire's beautiful, with its rolling hills and quaint villages alongside magnificent architecture and unique history. I'm looking forward to going with him sometime. The midlands fascinated me- I want to see it for real. Not just look at photos.

"I'm going to miss you Andy. Who will I have to hug?"
"I'll be back before you even realise I'm gone. In the mean time, I'm sure Kayla would give you a hug. I gotta go before I miss my train but I'll see you soon." He pulled me into a brief hug before closing the door behind him.
I was going to miss my boyfriend.


I strolled round Hyde park a few hours after Andy left. It was beautiful as the sun started to set behind the trees in a swirl of colour. The air was crisp and cool so I pulled my jacket round my body.
"Hey stranger." A voice whispered into my ear. It was Jordan. He wrapped his arms round my waist and rested his head on mine, staring at the sunset too.
"Hey handsome." I turned round to face him, my eyes focusing in on his green ones. My breath was taken away at the shear intensiveness of his gaze. I could feel my heart beating a mile a minute. I was stunned. But god did it feel good to be turned on this much with just a look.

And then I kissed him.

It was unplanned and perfect. He pulled me closer to him, trying to dissipate any space between us. My hands clutched at his hair, tugging slightly, causing a small groan to escape.
"Elijah..."  I stepped back, a grin on my face. That was amazing.

I sat bolt upright in my bed with a gasp. I'd just dreamt I kissed Jordan. And I liked it. A lot.

But you have a boyfriend Eli.

Oh no.

I need to avoid him at all costs. I was catching feelings. And that was not good.

Authors note

Thanks so much for giving this book a chance! Feel free to comment- I love to hear your guys thoughts! 🥰💜

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