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~oh hi there! *shrieks and hides* 💃🏻

Taehyung awoke with a start, his alarm blaring loudly forcing him to open his eyelids and shut the annoying thing down before stretching. His limbs screamed in pain, as he stretched, sleeping on the uncomfortable couch was definitely not one of his brighter ideas. His hair was stuck up in different directions and there was a little river of drool running down the side of his mouth. The dull ache in his heart hadn't got any better— it had gotten even worse than before. The black haired male felt like he was carrying the burdens of the whole world on his shoulders.

All in all, he felt like shit.

Despite his horrible mood he got up and decided to start his day, yesterday was a whole blur for the male. The fact that he couldn't remember a single thing had confused him at first, before he glanced down at the different bottles of liquor he had bought last night.

After coming home from work, Taehyung couldn't focus on anything— except for the two people who had been  running in his mind the whole damn day. The two very people he wanted, but they weren't there for him.

And drowning himself in alcohol seemed like a good way to forget his problems.


A pair of scarlet-red glowing eyes, flashed in my inner mind making me snap up my head from where I had been drying my face.

wait, WAIT— it couldn't have been a hallucination, could it? It could be a huge possibility considering I had been very drunk. And the fact that I was a lightweight, didn't make it any better. The hangover I was sporting a indication to the fact that I was really drunk.

It must've been a dream then, a very vivid yet tantalizing dream. Because there were no such things as red-eyes, unless you have a disease of some sort, but even then your irises never turn blood-red.

unless of course, werewolves and such exists- pfft what am I even saying? those are just mythical legends, simply untrue.

I looked up into the mirror to watch my reflection. I looked broken. My skin was a sickly pale color, loosing its usual warmth and glow and my eyes had lost the usual sparkle they held, instead they had metmorphical storms running inside them. It's barely been three days, yet it felt like months. I felt both physically and mentally drained.

Soulmates had a huge effect on a person. The thing about a soulmate union, is that the universe has to bring it and the universe must achieve many good things with a single move in order to beat the dark force. When you find your mate, you are as the greatest of lovers and the greatest of soldiers, for you must vow to fight for love all the rest of your days or until love has won the peace. That, of course comes with a variety of challenges and tough times. You see your soulmate's flaws. All of them. Nothing can change your love. They make you want to be a better person, to be good enough. And no matter how hard you try, you never will be, or at least you think you won't.

Once the bond is made— it is eternal, forever, everlasting, evermore. Nobody ever dares to reject their mate because 1. you'll feel your other half crumbling (you can feel their pain) and 2. you'll never ever feel complete (your soul will be restless missing the other half of you making it seem like you need them to breath)

They say 'love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.' Yet I couldn't feel the same, I hadn't got time to know my soulmates better. They disappeared from my grasp right before I could. I was angry.

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