Chapter 10: Memorandum

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Zen crossed his arms, "I'm not telling where I keep the sugar," He finished.

"Well I'm-" The green head started but cut off his words.

"What?" Cicero began, looking at Zen.

"Yeah," Zen gave him a daring look which got him an unexpected slap from Cicero.

"You can't do that," Cicero got ready to run for it as he slowly got off the couch, keeping his eyes on the fuming Zen.

"If you don't go and open the door," Zen closed his eyes. Cicero didn't feel any sort threatening from Zen, so he snatched the potato chip drom Zen's hand and finally ran away.


The green head didn't look back or answer the angry boy. He just kept walking over to the door which had a person knocking behind it for the past five minutes, the knocks getting louder as their impatience increased.

Cicero looked through the keyhole and saw Fay staring at the door with an impatient look. He hummed in realization of that she could be here for Rehan whilst unlocking the door. He opened the door, stepping aside for her to come in, "Hey, Fay. You're here for Rehan, right?" Cicero concluded as she walked inside.

"Yeah, right. What's with all the noise? Is everything okay?" Fay looked around.

Cicero scratched his neck with a trivial grin, "S'all good. Nothing's up, come on in," He turned to lock the door and walk past her, "Rehan's is in the extra room," He guided her to the said place that once Omi and Micheal stayed in the last time they all hung out at Zen's house.

Cicero stopped walking near the door frame, Fay behind his shorter self. He knocked twice, "Rehan, Fay is here to see you," He

Small footsteps could be heard coming closer to the door and then it opened. Rehan stood there, looking between Cicero and Fay once before giving a straight smile.

"Hi, sis," He acknowledged before pulling Cicero's sleeve to drag him inside. The green head let out a sound of surprise.

"I don't know how to use Zen's game thing and I think I broke it," Rehan whispered with wide eyes, looking for Cicero's reaction. The green head frowned at how nervous the blond was before laughing and slowly removing his grip off his oversized hoodie.

"The play station?" Cicero asked with a sly smile as Fay walked inside to see what was happening. Rehan nodded quickly.

"Let me see it," Cicero walked into the smaller room on the corner of the bedroom, following Rehan. The blond finally stopped next to a play station placed on the wall facing the whole space. Cicero squatted down to check the controls and nothing seemed to be wrong with them.

"Mmm...nothing seems to be wrong with them?" Cicero looked up at Rehan. The blond tucked a hair strand behind his ear before squatting down next to the green head. Fay went behind the screen and tapped it from a back a few times and looking back at it. It turned on after a few seconds causing her to look at Rehan with confusion.

"It's on," Fay walked a few steps back.

"You didn't break anything," Cicero stood back up, staring down at Rehan, "Even if you did, I would've told you to blame it on me," He motioned.

QUARTET ALLIANCE: LEND A HAND (Wild Duty & Judgement)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum