Since it was M'gann's idea she of course is leading the party and of course she wants to play truth or dare because it probably happened in her show. We all get in a circle in the fort and start the game. The first few dares and truths were quite boring to say the least but then M'gann said something exciting.

"Wally, I dare you to Uhm..kiss Artemis!" M'gann smiles, Artemis looks disgusted, and Wally is shocked. I'm not surprised, I cackle a little actually. M'gann probably thinks Wally likes Artemis since he flirts with her a lot but he really just does that for the fun of her reactions.

Wally sighs and crawls over to Artemis, giving her a peck on the cheek. M'gann squeals at this, Artemis gets flustered but looks like she's going to kill Wally, and Wally is now hiding behind me so Artemis doesn't kill him. I laugh, it's funny seeing Wally like this.

"Robin, truth or dare?" Wally asks me once both me and Artemis calm down and he sits next to me. 

"Hmm, truth." I say, not wanting one of Wally's dares. 

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Where is this coming from? Is it really that obvious? I thought I was doing pretty good at hiding it, I guess now. I can't get anything past Wally, can I?

I straighten my posture and look Wally in the eye. "Dare." 

"I dare you to tell me if you have a crush on anyone." The air is tense, I'm not going to get out of this am I? I nod. 

"I do." M'gann squeals but then gets a contemplative look on her face. Artemis looks shocked, again. Conner just stares blankly, he probably doesn't understand what a crush is. Wally doesn't seem surprised, if anything he seems happy. Maybe it's because he thinks I would actually hang around with more people, maybe even a person my age.

"But it's nothing to worry about. It's just some silly teenage crush that will probably go away in a few weeks. This won't get in the way of any missions." I say quickly. I know this crush wont't go away in a few weeks, I know it won't. But the team doesn't need to worry if this crush of mine will get in the way of our missions.

Wally nods but his expression changes to one that is more solemn. I clear my throat and continue the game, looking at Conner since he hasn't really gotten asked anything yet. "Conner, truth or dare?"

"Truth." I think for a moment. "How do you really feel about M'gann?" I say, making everyone's attention turn to Conner instead of me and my crush.

"She's a good friend." He says with that same blank stare. I smirk. "That's not what I mean Conner. Do you like her? As in, do you love her?" I might be going a little far but these two need it. They obviously both like each other very much. Conner's cheeks turn a strawberry color and he looks off to the side, most definitely embarrassed. He nods the slightest bit and M'gann's face turns red.

The game continued on until it got boring. Wally continued to try and convince me to tell him who my crush was but I wasn't going to let up that easy. He will never know who it is. Artemis also tried to get me to reveal my identity to them but that was also a definite no.

After the game ended we decided to watch a movie. We got a bunch of snacks and set out our stuff in case we fall asleep. I don't even want to but I have to keep up appearances. I sit on the end of the couch, Wally lays on the ground, Conner and M'gann sit in the fort, and Artemis sits on the other end of the couch.

We watch a few different movies but everyone seems to be wide away, I wonder how. I feel so sleepy. I don't even know it but I fell asleep. I knew I fell asleep because the familiar night terrors of the night my parents died came and showed it's unholy face.

I screamed like I did that night, I tried to reach out and grab them before they could hit the ground but I was too late. My parents are dead and they're never coming back. I couldn't stop the tears, I can never stop the tears. It's just...It's to much, I don't know if I'll ever be able to get over what happened that day...

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