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I push him off me

" don't do that " I said wiping my mouth

" what is wrong with you ? Scar look I know deep deep down you are a good guy but I can't get caught up in this , that's exactly how I lost shawn this type of work is scary okay I'm not use to it I can't be in a relationship or anything like that scar atleast not with you " I said and he nodded

" I respect your feelings and I didn't know you felt that way and I apologize for just kissing you I shouldn't of done that it wasn't very gentleman like and I'm sorry , because I know how you feel about this I can't just keep you here so you are free to go , listen once you leave here you will never hear from me again or see me I'll make sure of it , take care asia I hope you have a nice life " he said walking away

" wait scar seriously ? My feelings mean that much that you are just letting me go ? " I asked and he nodded

" you're beautiful asia what can I say I've Grew to like you , you're a mother I couldn't get you in a situation where your daughter could lose you too and I'm sorry I never thought of her I should of took into consideration" He said and it was true this man did have a heart and I feel just something inside me that's telling me not to go

" scar- " he cut me off

" I get it asia you don't have to say anything else I'll have Jakob come take you home " he said

He walked out the room and I just stood there thinking , this man just let me go because he didn't want me to die ? What the fuck are these feelings ?

I think I might actually like him but at the same time I just told him I wouldn't be with him or have any type of relationship with him for that matter. I don't know what to do I'm so confused I decided to call Melissa

" what's going on ? " she asked

" scar let me go " I said

" why do you sound so bummed this is a good thing right ? " she asked and I shrugged

" i don't know Mel this is all just a mess , I think I might have feelings for him I mean when he told me he was letting me go I didn't want that? I don't know what going on Melissa I'm so confused I don't know if it's my feelings for Shawn or- " scar came through the door

" Shawn's alive ? " he asked and I stood there froze

" what are you talking about ? " I asked setting my phone down

" apparently he's alive " he said and I just stood there

I knew he was alive but I have to play my part this man might kill me

" you have to be fucking kidding me , he purposed to me and then died I found out I was pregnant and this whole time he's just been alive ? " I cried

" you aren't safe " he said and I looked at him

" what? you think Shawn's going to try to kill me ? " I asked

" not you but me " he said

" what aren't you telling me ? " I said

" it's better if you don't know , but just know if it comes down to me or him being alive I'm choosing me " he said and I mean makes sense

" what the fuck is going on " I said

" just get out of here okay? " he said and I nodded

Is scar going to die ? Like is this really what's happening ? Shawn's been playing me

I rush out the mansion and Jakob opened the door for me quickly shutting it

• THE CEO PART TWO • SHAWN MENDESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon