Chapter 17

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Webby clenched her fists as she followed Daniel next to Dewey, there were hovering ships and aliens in the sky and some on foot with capture guns. Webby looked at her home city become ruined and destroyed by the minute, she prayed for her family to be okay, it was a chaotic situation for Duckburg and she couldn't stand seeing it like this.

"What is the passcode to the machine?" Dewey asked his father who was stealthily moving through the streets.

"Okay I'm going to need the two of you to pay close attention, it's simple actually, W-V-A-N-D-4-5-7-8, got it?" he asked the two teens who looked at him confusingly.

"Can we write it down?" Dewey asked sheepishly.

"Just...we'll figure it out up there," he said before leaping into a side building in front of the financial district's main building. In front of the building, all of the McDuck family and friends were fighting with all their will trying to reach the portal.

"I guess they had the same idea that we did," Webby commented while she saw her grandmother fight one of the aliens off with her fists.

"We gotta help them," Dewey said.

"Let's go," Webby said while running to fight next to her family.

"Webby you're here!" Huey exclaimed blasting a teleportation gun at one of the aliens.

"And you have Dewey with you and who's that?" Lena said while punching an alien girl in the face.

"I'll explain later but we need to get up there," Webby said while kicking an alien in the face.

"You think we haven't tried, there's too many," Violet said while shooting an alien on the face.

"Where's mom?" Dewey asked.

"With Penny fighting over there," Huey said pointing at Della who was fighting with a scowl on her face.

Both Dewey and Webby along with Daniel ran over to Della who was solemnly focused on fighting through.

"Mom!" Dewey yelled which made the middle-aged duck change her focus to her son who was calling her.

"Dewey?!" she yelled running over to her son.

"Are you okay?" she asked grabbing his face.

"I'm okay mom, but I think you need to meet someone," he said revealing Daniel who was behind Webby. There were so many expressions going on, on Della's face, some were shocked and others were angry and sad but none of those seemed to be happy.

"Daniel," she said a little too coldly.

"Della, have you've been?" he asked awkwardly.

"Look we have something important going on here so get going and fix this before I change my mind," she said bitterly leaving both Dewey and Webby in shock.

"Dewey go with your brothers and uncles, I'll try to infiltrate the building, you guys keep a distraction," she said sternly.

"But mom!" Dewey protested.

"Not right now Dewey, I need you safe, I can't risk any of you as your father did," she added with anger.

"No mom this is my fault, I should've-"

"No honey this is not your fault, just do what I told you," she scolded.

"Della I'm sorry-"

"Save it, Daniel, it's not worth it," she said before bolting towards the building.

Both Dewey and Webby looked at Daniel with questioning looks before he sighed.

"It's a long story but I can't leave your mother on this alone so do what she told you...I'll go after her," he said before bolting in the same direction as Della.

(*COMPLETED*)New Beginnings: A Ducktales Debbigail FanficWhere stories live. Discover now