The marriage [19]

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"Are you ready?" Asked Rosie as I stood in front of the big mirror with me standing a few feet away to look at myself.

My body was clothed in a laced white dress that only reached a little bit above my knees. The dress had sleeves on it and I was thankful for those because I wasn't too comfortable showing my scars to so many people.

There is no problem if they are visible when I'm around Thalia and Rosie because they have known me for so long and got used to them. When Andrew saw them all for the first time though, he was horrified to see so many on me.

Well, the only self-inflicted ones were only on my forearms. The rest of the big slashes of scars are on my back and my stomach that all came from Jason.

It was always a reminder of the worst day of my life, especially of the branded 'J' mark on the left side of my abdomen which was thankfully now covered by a beautiful tattoo of many roses and a crescent moon.

When I first showed Andrew those scars, I felt way too exposed and ugly to look at. I remember how I apologized for having such a damaged body and him looking suddenly extremely angered by my statement.

He then pulled me to him and I remember how he kissed every single one of my scars while he kept on muttering how gorgeous they looked on my body.

It made me feel embarrassed but also warmed my chest to see him not bothered by this. He wasn't just saying those things to make me feel better, but because he genuinely liked them and admired them.

There was one time I caught Andrew tracing one of the bigger slashes on my lower stomach and just kept on muttering under his breath how each and every scar of mine were just reminders to him of how strong I was.

And from that day on, I didn't feel exposed or ashamed anymore because the way he made me feel was everything but disgust.

Whenever his gaze would linger longer on me because I wore a crop top, I would turn to him playfully and then act all shy only for him to pull me into a blissful kiss.

Coming back to reality, my hair was styled back and put in a pony tail, but was first curled and a beautiful butterfly shaped pin sat right in the middle of it.

After Andrew proposed to me, I told him I didn't want a big wedding or a wedding in the first place, but since it was important for him to get married instead of getting eloped, I agreed to hold a small wedding with only our close friends and family members.

I smiled shyly as I nodded at Rosie and she handed me a bouquet of flowers.

A knock suddenly came from the door and Rosie went to open it. I turned around to see who it was and smiled big when Andrew's dad came in.

You see, since my dad could not be here with me on my special day today, Andrew's dad was kind enough to agree guiding me down the aisle later to give me away.

Ever since I met his parents, I immediately felt welcomed and missed having someone to look after me as a parental figure. Sure, Andrew may be my daddy but it's a different feeling when I'm being hugged by him or his dad.

I was just grateful to gain not only one parent, but two wonderful parents instead. Though they might only be my in-laws, they treat me as their own and it always brought me a warm feeling whenever they welcomed me in their home.

"You look beautiful, Camille," Peter, Andrew's dad, said and came to hug me. I opened my arms for him and he patted my head after he released me, "my son is very lucky to have you."

I blushed and hid my face with the bouquet. Rosie and Peter laughed at my reaction and that made me blush more.

"Alright, enough teasing now. Are you ready to go?" I slowly put the flowers down from my face and nodded my head as I exhaled nervously.

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