the broken girl.

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You saved me when no one else was left, you showed me that my wounds could be filled. Even when they stung so bad all I had to do was look at you and I would drift away into a new dimension. How did you manage to piece back together my shattered heart?

The sun shines in through my creaky old windows, the birds are chirping, and the subtle white noise fills the room. I sit up in my bed and look at my alarm clock. Its 7:00 which means I am five minutes ahead of my alarm. What a good way to start off my first day of work. Here in the small town called Sunny Hollow which is based in Northern Italy there are two separate ways of life, there is the village life, which is where me and my family belong, the villages people are very hardworking ,we are low on money so most of our days consist of hard labor. And the desired way of life consists of the Scaturro family and their friend's land. They are very wealthy and live-in huge castles just outside of Sunny Hollow about 15 minutes away. They are
extraordinarily rich because their ancestors are the ones who founded the land, so they oversee everything here. Today I start my first day of work at the Scaturro castle I am going to be cleaning, cooking, and helping around the house. The Scaturro's are royalty in Sunny Hollow so this is a huge deal and could really help my family.

"Eliana get your ass downstairs!"
My dad yells from downstairs, I tense up but then quickly hop downstairs still in my pink fluffy pyjamas.

"Make me breakfast I'm starving, but none of that stuff you made yesterday I think it made me sick."

"I'm sorry dad it won't happen again."

I take out the jar of jam in the cabinet and spread it on some bread. My hands are shaking at the thought that he will not be pleased by the meal. With each swipe of jam I tense up more. I place the bread on the table in front of him. He takes a bite, and his lips are quivering, and his face begins to get red. I've seen this face before, he makes this face every time he is about to yell at me. The way his face tenses up and the veins pop out on his forehead sends shivers down my spine in fear.

"This is not the way your mother made it!"

He says as he pounces out of his seat. I take a step back and stumble into the kitchen, he is right after me and corners me and holds me against the wall.

"Who do you think you are feeding me garbage, what is this roadkill!'"

"I-I'm sorry dad." I say with a studder.

He grabs my hair and slaps me across the face. I feel my facing welling up with tears I feel a throbbing pain but not in my face in my heart. He has hit me so many times that I have become numb to it. The pain is bearable but the feeling of being weak and overpowered haunts me. The feeling of being so unloved that not even your own family can stand you kills me.

Once mom left us my dad lost all his control, he used drugs and alcohol to cope and usually is not home anymore. But when he is its awful. He has been abusing me ever since and it is getting so exhausting. When the only person you have left gives up on you what do you do?

After I am dressed, I stumble out the door and into the village. The towns people are working, and scattered conversation fills my ears. The suns very bright today. Ive always been fascinated by the sun. It is one of the only things that when it leaves always comes back. And just like humans the sun is weak at first, but it finds it strength throughout the day and shines brighter. My yellow summer dress flows in the wind as I start to run so I make it on time to work. But on my way, I decide to stop at the coffee shop I always do and pick up some scones for the Scaturro's.

The "morning lavender" coffee shop is where everyone in the village goes to hangout or get baked goods. I also stop by to see my good friend Amelia who works there. Amelia has been a good friend of mine for a while now I met her at my first swimming lesson. She started splashing me jokingly and since then we have been inseparable. She is very loud and outgoing and keeps me on my feet.

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